Open Access BASE2013

Heavy quark impact factor in kT-factorization


We present the calculation of the finite part of the heavy quark impact factor at next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy in a form suitable for phenomenological studies such as the calculation of the cross-section for single bottom quark production at the LHC within the kT-factorization scheme. ; This work has been supported by the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Union under the Grant Agreement number PITN-GA-2010-264564 (LHCPhenoNet), by the Spanish Government and EU ERDF funds (grants FPA2007-60323, FPA2011-23778 and CSD2007-00042 Consolider Project CPAN) and by GV (PROMETEUII/2013/007). GC acknowledges support from Marie Curie Actions (PIEF-GA-2011-298582). MD acknowledges support from Juan de la Cierva programme (JCI-2011-11382). ; Peer reviewed

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