Open Access BASE2017

Local feature based automatic target recognition for future 3D active homing seeker missiles


We propose an architecture appropriate for future Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) active homing seeker missiles with Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) capabilities. Our proposal enhances military targeting performance by extending ATR into the 3rd dimension. From a military and aerospace industry point of view, this is appealing as weapon effectiveness against camouflage, concealment and deception techniques can be substantially improved. Specifically, we present a missile seeker 3D ATR architecture that relies on the 3D local feature based SHOT descriptor and a dual-role pipeline with a number of pre and post-processing operations. We evaluate our architecture on a number of missile engagement scenarios in various environmental setups with the missile being under various altitudes, obliquities, distances to the target and scene resolutions. Under these demanding conditions, the recognition performance gained is highly promising. Even in the extreme case of reducing the database entries to a single template per target, our interchangeable ATR architecture still provides a highly acceptable performance. Although we focus on future intelligent missile systems, our approach can be implemented to a great range of time-critical complex systems for space, air and ground environments for military, law-enforcement, commercial and research purposes.

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