Open Access BASE2011

Between Spectacle and Politics: Indigenous Singularities


This chapter is updated from the French version of the translated book that was published in France in 2007 (Le défi indigène; Entre spectacle et politique, Paris, Au Lieu d'etre.)"Indigeneity here is about mobility and inventiveness - concrete, difficult engagements with power and possibility at local, national, regional and global scales. " James Clifford ; International audience ; The paper discusses the creativity in ritual and politics performed by Indigenous people especially in Central Australia (Warlpiri people from Lajamanu) and North West Australia (Kimberley people in the Broome region) where the author has been working since 1979. The Australian situation is analysed in the light of a transplanetary Indigenous movement. In alignment with French speaking Native Americans from Quebec who define themselves as "autochtones" (" from the land "), UNESCO has adopted a protocol to use this translation in all its declarations and publications for the word indigenous instead of the French "indigène". The use of the latter word is judged politically incorrect because of its old colonial use. But some non government organisations (NGOs), whose agenda is to defend the rights of Indigenous peoples, have revalued the French expression peuples indigènes, " Indigenous peoples " to insist on their special status. A French militant reappropriation of the word "indigène" emerged in a different context with the movement " Indigènes de la République " (Indigenous people of the Republic) which was constituted in reaction to a French law that was passed in 2005 requiring schools to teach the supposed " benefits of colonisation ". The civil and academic opposition led to its withdrawal.

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