Open Access BASE2021

Between guidance and activation of people called "distant from employment" living in disadvantaged areas. The case of the MOVE program (Mobilization Orientation toward Employment) in Marseilles. ; Entre accompagnement et activation des personnes éloignées de l'emploi issues des quartiers prioritaires Le cas du dispositif « Mobilisation orientation vers l'emploi » (MOVE) à Marseille


Focusing on the MOVE program (Mobilization Orientation toward Employment) implemented in Marseille, this thesis analyzes the institutional treatment of people called "distant from employment" living in disadvantaged areas (named "politique de la Ville" areas).Using an ethnographic method (long term "observing participation" and semi-directive interviews) mixed with diverse statistical analysis, the thesis strives for understanding what the program produces, beyond its prescribed objective which is connecting people called "distant from employment" to the Employment Public Service.The first section contextualizes the program MOVE. It shows that it is emblematic of the evolutions of the local urban public policy called "politique de la Ville": initially designed by community centers in order to address the issue of youth unemployment in these areas, then it is taken over by the institutions in charge of "politique de la Ville" and reframed in order to match with their own devices concerning occupational integration and employment in those disadvantaged areas. Nevertheless, the program remains flexible and multi-stakeholder, and is able to adapt to local specificities. The second section questions the categorizations of the program's target group, confronting them with the social characteristics of people who effectively use the program. They cumulate various difficulties to access employment, which are analyzed using two typologies, one quite descriptive and one more dynamic. It emerges that the use of the MOVE device is the counterpart of a partial and intermittent use of the public employment service on the part of this public. The third section analyzes the values and the practices of the facilitators in charge of implementing the program. They refer to values of "popular education", and, in their words, oppose them to those of the Employment Public Service's counselors. The observation of their work in progress reveals in fact multiple partnership practices. Ultimately, the MOVE program and the joint work of ...

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