Open Access BASE2018

Prehistory of Amelia Rosselli's writing in « Primi scritti » (1952-1963) : a writing overwhelmed ; Préhistoire de l'écriture plurilingue d'Amelia Rosselli dans les 'Primi scritti' (1952-1963) : une écriture bouleversée


We would like to show the importance of Amelia Rosselli's formative and biographical moment that precedes her writing as well as the role of her first multilingual works that represent the prehistory of her Italian trilogy and of other works of her literary maturity. To do so, this thesis studies, in its first two sections, the exile of the Rosselli family, victim of political persecution throughout the fascist ventennio, as well as the poet's Franco-English-American proto-formation, amongst music, literature and politics. We will draw up a synthesis of the neorealist influence of the poet Rocco Scotellaro and of the ethnologist Ernesto de Martino. In the third section, this study will analyse, in an inter-textual perspective, the Primi Scritti (1952-1963) and will describe the poet's idiom, characterized by alternation and mixture, of Italian, French, and English, sometimes in the same text. In parallel we will show how Amelia Rosselli's multilingualism is not limited to a simple triglossie. Her multilingualism includes other languages: Latin, Italian and French from the Middle Ages, Elizabethan English, the spoken language of the illiterate from Basilicata, plus popular forms of speech from the south of Italy and from Rome. We uphold the importance of the anthropological and ethno-musicological studies carried out by Amelia Rosselli from 1952 to 1953. We will also show how the book of investigation Contadini del Sud by the Lucanian Rocco Scotellero was determining for her, as well as other texts, to be able to describe the treasures of her literary prehistory. Throughout the analysis of the texts of the origins we will uncover the birth of Amelia Rosselli's three poetics: that of space, of the eclipse of oneself, and that of the wound, together to be seen as interdependent, entwined, and that will further develop themselves during the 60's and the 70's. ; Nous voulons démontrer l'importance du moment biographique et formatif d'Amelia Rosselli qui précède son écriture et le rôle de ses premiers écrits ...

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