"Doublespeak" in the United Kingdom in the 21st century : a semiolinguistic study of contemporary political speech ; La "langue de bois" au Royaume-Uni au 21ème siècle : une étude sémiolinguistique du parler politique contemporain
The purpose of this thesis is to study the workings of what is usually called "langue de bois" in French (Newspeak or Doublespeak) in the field of politics in the United Kingdom. The collocation refers to a set of strategies implemented within political discourse, according to various modes, for manipulative purposes. We propose to differentiate between Newspeak-like strategies and linguistic processes belonging to the realm of contemporary political speech (CPS) which circulates a dominant ideology insidiously. Although no process, be it linguistic or rhetorical, is inherently manipulative, CPS fulfils various functions depending on the context (linguistic, generic, situational). The study of a corpus of general election manifestos compared to a corpus of editorials aims at uncovering the semiolinguistic workings of CPS, the expression of how ideological values and/or linguistic manipulation are constructed. Our linguistic study is conducted through the lens of the Theory of Predicative and Enunciative Operations (A. Culioli), supported by comparisons with other linguistic theories (Discourse Analysis and semiotics). The linguistic phenomena are contextualized by means of other disciplines (sociology and political sciences). Considering the fact that ideological meaning and values designed to be recognized, reconstructed and interpreted, are constructed through and by uttering, we show, through the analysis of markers (WILL, SHALL, WOULD, and the pronouns YOU, WE, I) and of notions (/change/ and /be green/), that co-enunciation is essential to the understanding of manipulative strategies that are implemented within CPS. The fundamental operations of "representation", "referencing", "regulation" (Culioli) and naturalisation/forgetting processes (Barthes/Pécheux) that are implemented within the texts arise in various forms. Among these forms, markers of anticipatory paratextual adjustment, and the scrambling of boundaries between the levels of specification of the subjective parameter of the situation of uttering ...
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