Open Access BASE2005

Women in the CGT : confederal strategy ans implications departmental, 1948-1985 ; Les femmes dans la CGT : stratégie confédérale et implications départementales, 1945-1985


Between 1945 and 1985 three generation of woman trade unionist sought to promote the second sex, within one of the male formation traditionally : the trade union. It is resistant post office employee, Mary Couette which opens the door of female promotion within apparatus CGT by obtaining the introduction of a national council of the women. However grafting does not take. The CGT adopts dice 1948, a reorganization which affects construction of a female integration. In 1949, the post of confederal secretary of Mary Couette resigner, falls to metallurgist Olga Tournade, also employed, resistant and communist. In 1952, it publishes the review of the hard-working women, stamps Antoinette. At the time of 39 congers of 1953, it posts the disillusioned assessments of an activity confronted with the sexism. In 1955, its sector is entrusted to another post office employee Madeleine Colin. Supported by Benoît Frachon, George Séguy and Henry Krasucky, its contribution is achieved during 20 years according to two priorities. Introduction of a network assaimant on the ensenble of the hexagon, on the one hand. In addition, the launching of a magazine female Antoinette single in its kind in the trade-union universe, the day before Christmas. Between 1960 and 1977, carried by the context of the feminist revival, the period symbolizes the apogee of the specific method initiated by Madeleine Colin. The disputes which have occurred at the time of a national conference into 1977 sound the end of the cycle of the female trade-union conqutes. The weakened commissions disappear in 1985. Antoinette survivves to them until 1989. Under the emblem of co-education, the troisieme generation of a leading manages the decline of a construction which was failed on the shelf of the levelling dream. Research tried to distinguish, through strategy of apparatus confronted with the implications of the department of Meurthe et Moselle, why the failure intervened of 40 years of functioning. ; Entre 1945 et 1985, trois générations de femmes ...

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