Open Access BASE2016

Waste law : comparative study France-China ; Le droit des déchets : étude comparatiste France - Chine


For years, the environment has become an important concern, if not a concern of paramount importance in everyday life worldwide. Today in France, ecological issues are emerging as a major element in the strategic guidelines in the losses or chosen company developments. France is regularly cited among the most environmentally friendly countries in the world. On the contrary, the environmental problems in China are alarming. Each year, the economic development is characterized by high consumption and high pollution. The policy of modernization and economic growth implemented by the Chinese authorities now includes consideration of environmental constraints as one of its main components. The issue of waste has become over time more and more problematic mainly because of their significant increase. However, awareness of the need for effective waste management only appeared late in minds. Waste treatment is one of the major environmental problems which each country in the world is facing, and the situation does not improve with the improvement of living standards. Faced with the increase in waste generation, the French legislator established in 1975 the county and regional waste management plans to encourage their recovery by means of the promotion of selective collection, recycling and incineration with energy recovery. In October 1995, China adopted a law on the prevention of pollution caused by solid waste in order to resolve the problems caused by waste. In the light of the French and Chinese regulations, this thesis aims at carrying out a comparative study of the similarities and differences in terms of waste management, namely the processing and destruction of waste and the administrative policies and public order governing trade in waste. As regards French law, we shall examine, namely, Law No 75-633 of 15 July 1975 on waste disposal and recovery of materials and Law n ° 76-663 of 19 July 1976 on classified installations for environmental protection. Concerning Chinese law, we shall examine the law on the ...

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