Open Access BASE2017

Diversity of capitalism and environmental institutional devices ; Diversité des capitalismes et dispositifs institutionnels environnementaux


This thesis contributes to the diachronic and synchronic analysis of the linksbetween the forms of capitalism and their environment. The first chapter proposes to highlightthe manner in which the coevolution between capitalism and the environment was carried outby crossing the theoretical and empirical contributions of the régulation school withenvironmental history and ecological economics studies. We reveal that the differenthistorical forms of capitalism have led to extensive and differentiated environmentalconsequences. Conversely, it turns out that the relationship with the environment has had amajor influence on the forms of capitalism, especially through institutional environmentaldevices (EID). The second chapter aims at deciphering in which extent these devices undergoa process of differentiated adoption depending on the contemporary forms of capitalismwithin which they take place. In this framework, some degree of correlation appears betweenour EID based typology of countries and the typology of capitalism. Finally, the third chapterfocuses on how levels of inequality, which are largely dependent on different forms ofcapitalism, can influence the adoption of EID. By means of an econometric analysis, weattempt to determine which mechanisms are most likely to explain this phenomenon. ; Cette thèse s'inscrit dans l'analyse diachronique et synchronique des liens entre lesformes de capitalisme et leur environnement. Le premier chapitre propose de mettre enlumière la manière dont la coévolution entre le capitalisme et l'environnement a pu s'opéreren croisant les apports théoriques et empiriques de l'école de la régulation avec des travauxdu champ de l'histoire environnementale et de l'économie écologique. Nous montrons que lesdifférentes formes historiques du capitalisme ont généré des conséquences environnementalesimportantes et différenciées. A l'inverse, il s'avère que le rapport à l'environnement a eu uneinfluence primordiale sur les formes de capitalisme, notamment par l'intermédiaire dedispositifs ...

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