Open Access BASE2011

Fisheries globalization through a geographical gazes. Alter-globalization and forms of resistances in "small-scale fisheries" ; Regard géographique sur la mondialisation halieutique L'ALTERMONDIALISATION ET LES FORMES DE RESISTANCE DES « PECHES ARTISANALES »


Using a geographical approach, this thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of scales and spatialities that are present in the dissenting and singular phenomenon of alter-globalization in fisheries. More precisely, I aim to demonstrate how this social movement, that supports small-scale fisheries, also involves social and spatial re-appropriations of a non-egalitarian globalization. To understand these interactions, I compare two militant fishing practices and areas: artisanal fishing in France and small-scale fisheries in Madagascar. First, I analyse the passage between globalization and globalization in fishing and aquaculture. I consider the major geo-historical stages animating the development of an aquatic world-system in order to reflect on its contemporary structuring and its present spatial malfunctions. Then, these analyses bring us to consider the multiple spatial dimensions articulated in the movement of alter-globalization in fisheries while interrogating the characteristics of this dissenting movement in terms of organisation of the system of actors, strategies and dynamics. Finally, I compare the politics of sustainability performed in the French and the Malagasy cases, throughout the different activities in the fishing industry. Stating on the interconnections between global scales and local scales (territorializing), I conclude on the need for a trans-scalar and cosmopolitan approach to allow the regulation of fisheries globalization. ; Cette thèse souhaite apporter un éclairage géographique, tant spatial que scalaire, sur le phénomène contestataire singulier que constitue l'altermondialisation halieutique. Plus précisément, notre objectif consiste à démontrer en quoi ce mouvement social de soutien à la pêche artisanale engage une réappropriation socio-spatiale d'un processus de mondialisation halieutique profondément inégalitaire. Pour comprendre ces interactions, deux terrains halieutiques militants font plus particulièrement l'objet d'une analyse comparée : la pêche artisanale française ...

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