Open Access BASE2013

Public financial control in Thailand ; Le contrôle des finances publiques en Thaïlande


Corollary of the principle of budget approval by the Parliament; the control of public money is an inseparable element of democracy. As a result of important transformations induced by the introduction of business management concept in the public sector, the public financial control system is required to be renewed. This system hence needs to consider new requirements in relation to new public management and the pursuit of performance in public sector. The public financial control mechanisms have diversified both in their forms and their contents. The tendency is to adopt the techniques used in the private sector generally considered as a model of performance management. These changes take place in a particular institutional context of Thailand which has been deeply affected by the instability of Parliamentary system. In consequence, the internal control system has learnt an important modernization concerning financial and budgetary control. Meanwhile, the organs in charge of external control, the Supreme Audit Institution and the Parliament, struggled to adapt to the new challenges of public finance. However, all of these transformations take place in our society, which is based on democratic principles. It is necessary to conciliate the politic and the management concepts because the new control techniques are not designed to replace the principal control and decisional organ, the Parliament, but these techniques are designed to inform the political organ. It is vital to propose potential solutions to strengthen the external control and, by that means, increase the efficiency of the public financial control. ; Corollaire naturel de l'autorisation parlementaire, le contrôle des finances publiques est un élément indissociable de la démocratie. Aujourd'hui, le contrôle des finances publiques est appelé à se renouveler en raison des mutations profondes enclenchées par l'introduction de la logique de gestion. De nouvelles exigences, qui sont des prolongements de cette logique de gestion et de la recherche de la ...

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