Open Access BASE2004

PLANNERS, TOURISTS AND NATURE ON THE AUDE COAST (FRANCE). MANAGEMENT MODELS, TOURIST PRACTICES AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ; L'aménageur, le touriste et la nature sur le littoral de l'Aude. Modèles d'aménagement, pratiques touristiques et enjeux environnementaux


Over the last decade, the Aude coast went through profound changes, symbolised by the creation of the Parc Naturel Régional de la Narbonnaise by Decree of December 18th 2003. How and why this emblematic area of coastal tourism, decided at the highest governmental levels in France, went through such a radical questioning of its management methods? Central to the re-foundation of Aude coastal management, nature, and protected areas in particular, appeared to be one of the possible keys to tourist rejuvenation and land use re-planning of this Mediterranean mass tourist destination. From this standpoint, this research attempts to shed light on the contemporary stakes, the stages and the limits of the Aude "experience". Our analysis consists of three main parts, each of them shedding a different light on our subject. The first part sets out the several stages of the touristification of a littoral consisting of a mosaic of singular natural ecosystems. In order to put in perspective the changes in land-use coastal planning policies, the analysis focuses on two points: the rehabilitation of the pioneers who have "invented" the first seaside resorts at the end of the 19th century and the rereading of the heritage of the Mission Racine in the planning of a "Neo-Languedoc" devoted to mass tourism from the 1960's onwards. The second part analyses the genesis of a central actor, the Parc Naturel Régional de la Narbonnaise, which reflects the emergence of a new model of management of the Aude coast. The study of renewed planning practices reveals the quasi-systematic resort to the paradigms of environment, heritage and identity and the integration of tourist stakes in the territorial development. This recomposition of the action system and its intervention strategies already seems to reflect an attempt, still hesitating and incomplete, at integrated coastal management. By studying the management of protected areas and their social uses, the third part deals with (the question of) the production of a tourist nature that ...

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