Synergy Between Science/Technology and Local Development: Some Experience in France
International audience ; This paper aims to stress the fact that regional development models are heavily influenced by the "national" trajectory of the industrial model, although each local case reflects its specificity due to the actors and the resources which are both heavily embedded in the local contexts. In a French political context of 1990s, the State tried to create some high-tech industrial district-type regions in the vicinity of many large and medium-sized cities, so-called "technopôle or technological district", which corresponded to reinterpreting Silicon Valley in light of the French experience. The basic idea behind the "technopôles" is to bring together, in the same geographical area and financially and logistically supported by both the local government and the public agencies through a publicly-run "research centre", "incubation infrastructure", tax advantages and small spin-off firms that are potential leaders in new technologies. We will aim to illustrate this industrial policy through three cases around the IT industry.
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