Open Access BASE2018

A New Urban Agenda for precarious neighborhoods?The making of international agreements on urbanization for the Habitat III Conference ; Quel Nouvel Agenda urbain pour les quartiers précaires ? La fabrique des accords internationaux sur l'urbanisation pour la conférence Habitat III


International audience ; In the last four decades, the international community has embraced the issue of rapid urbanization but still remains disempowered when facing the necessity to contain the growing number of dwellers living in precarious or under-equiped neighborhoods. This article questions the processes leading to the international conference Habitat III in Quito in 2016. Precarious housing has gained prominence in the international UN's agenda, which allows exploring both continuities and ruptures with the previous conferences Habitat I (1976) et Habitat II (1996). Drawing on the growing diversity of actors and ideas in use, this paper highlights the internationalization of local governments, urban professionals and social movements in line with the influence struggles for for the production of internatinal UN-Habitat recommandations. This is not to forget the general context of state cuts to the housing sector which goes recentely along with the financiarization process of the city. Thus, both authors are considering the complexity of an official negociated discourse, outcome of of political compromise eventually reductive, composite and contradictory. As metropolitan spaces are over time more and more conveyed, international institutions and local and national governments – driven by professional networks and global social movements- are attempting to adress this neo-liberal turn the right to the city by promoving or, failing that, social inclusion. Beyond their week capacity of enforcement, these conferences also appear as incubators of both concepts and social innovations at the global scale. ; Depuis une quarantaine d'années, la communauté internationale s'est emparée de la question de l'urbanisation galopante du monde, tout en restant impuissante à endiguer la croissance massive du nombre de personnes vivant dans des quartiers précaires et sous-équipés. Cet article analyse les processus menant à la conférence internationale Habitat III à Quito en 2016. Il présente la mise à l'agenda international ...

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