Open Access BASE2017

Changement social et écologie : où en est la modernisation écologique ?


International audience ; This paper analyzes the relevance of ecological modernization in order to think the links between social change and ecology. This stream refers to a sociological approach of the effects of rising environmental concerns on institutional restructuring mechanisms and on processes of production and consumption, and it has experienced political appropriation and critical approaches. We will resume here the thread of ecological modernization : the analysis of environmental reforms, of institutional change and of the processes by which the ecological sphere is gaining acknowledgment, as well as the social, political and economic spheres. Indeed, despite frequent inflections of this school of thought to technical dimensions – by that close to an industrial ecology - ecological modernization remains a "social scientific interpretation of environmental reform process at multiple scale" (Mol et al., 2014). We propose an analysis of its developments, of the inflections it has undergone for several years and of its contributions and limits. We conclude with a comparison of this ecological modernization works actuality with French speaking environmental sociology to discuss their respective contributions and to evaluate ecological modernization. ; Dans cet article est interrogée la pertinence de la modernisation écologique pour penser les liens entre changement social et écologie. Cette approche, qui a fait l'objet de diverses critiques et appropriations politiques, renvoie en sociologie à une analyse des effets de la montée des préoccupations environnementales sur les mécanismes de restructuration institutionnelle, ainsi que sur les processus de production et de consommation. Nous reprenons ici le fil conducteur de la modernisation écologique : l'étude des réformes environnementales, des transformations institutionnelles et des processus qui ont donné à la sphère écologique un niveau de reconnaissance semblable à celui des sphères sociale, politique et économique. Ainsi, malgré un intérêt constant de ...

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