Open Access BASE2006

Diffusion du Coton Génétiquement Modifié en Afrique du Sud : des leçons pour l'Afrique Zone Franc


National audience ; Cotton production in South Africa derives mainly from commercial farming, it is not so much correct to present the so-called success of its adoption of Genetically Modified Cotton (GMC) as an example of successful GMC use by smallholding farmers. With reference to a fluctuating if not declining cotton production, the so-called success is debatable as it is clear that a mere technology introduction cannot ensure production increase. Other factors matter, in particular the institutional ones. Focusing exclusively the debate on the GMC issue has diverted the public attention from dealing with these factors. Cotton sector has suffered from severe instability whose negative effects impacted mainly smallholders. The last stage of the institutional evolution within this sector, oriented towards further intensification secured by irrigation, encompasses a risk of debarring most smallholders from producing cotton if the new approach cannot further scale up. It seems that this questionable evolution of the agriculture in the Makhatini Flats has been concealed by the exclusive debate about GMC. The results of our research complement the existing ones by pointing out bad profitability in an unfavorable climatic and institutional context. This reminds us that rain-fed agriculture remains sensitive to climatic hazards and that adoption of new technology might increase its financial risk. Wholly speaking, the outcomes of the GMC use in South Africa are unstable at a very low yield level. Change in the production cost structure should be emphasized since expenses on seeds becomes the main cash production cost. Today, only a few countries in Francophone African countries benefit from institutional stability which is favorable to GMC introduction. Such an introduction calls for preparation notably to negotiate favorable economic conditions of biotechnology transfer and to reorganize seed distribution in compliance with farmers' interests. This preparation would not be easy and adoption of GMC should not be ...

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