Open Access BASE2019

DEPHY–Carrot: Is it possible to reduce by 50% the pesticide level in cropping systems with carrot as the main crop? ; DEPHY Carotte : Construire et évaluer des systèmes légumiers à dominante carotte permettant de réduire l'utilisation des pesticides d'au moins 50%


Ce numéro est constitué d'articles de synthèse des projets DEPHY EXPE publiés à l'occasion du Colloque National DEPHY EXPE, qui s'est déroulé le 28 mai 2019 à l'Assemblée Permanente des Chambres d'Agriculture (Paris). ; National audience ; The evolution of societal expectations, since the beginning of the 2000s, has led European and national policies to adopt a legislative arsenal aimed at reducing the use of plant protection products in order to limit their impacts. These different plans have set the goal of a 50% reduction in pesticide use. It is for this purpose that the producers of the two main French carrot production areas for the fresh market (New Aquitaine and Normandy) have built a project to construct and evaluate carrot- dominated vegetable systems that reduce the use of pesticides by at least 50%. The project relies on a network of eight innovative cropping systems, located on three production sites, and conducted from 2013 to 2018. The levers and combinations of levers studied have, at least partially, given satisfaction on the environmental aspect and the management of pests. However, the economic balance of cropping systems is currently difficult to achieve and some levers proposed do not meet the demand of markets (production niches, visual quality of certain products) and the current organization of the sector. Today, in order to begin the transfer to producers, new levers and combinations of levers must be tested, and decision rules need to be refined. This work will be the subject of a second project DEPHY Expé: AlterCarot which will be conducted from 2019 to 2024. ; L'évolution des attentes sociétales, depuis le début des années 2000, a conduit les politiques européennes et nationales à adopter un arsenal législatif visant à réduire l'utilisation des produits phytosanitaires afin d'en limiter les impacts. Ces différents plans ont acté l'objectif d'une réduction de 50% de l'usage des pesticides. C'est dans cet objectif l'AOP nationale Carottes de France a porté un projet visant à construire ...

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