Open Access BASE2018

L'expérience de l'autre ; : Les premières missions diplomatiques de Machiavel, Guicciardini et Vettori


International audience ; The names of Machiavelli, Vettori and Guicciardini are united by the rich correspondence they have maintained, testimony to their friendship. This link was born from the missions they carried out, individually or in pairs, on behalf of the Florentine Republic between 1500 and 1513. The texts collected, translated and commented on in this volume are testimonies of these legations in France, in Germany and in Spain, written sometimes for the purpose of informing and advising the Florentine authorities, sometimes for the simple pleasure of keeping the memory of what their eyes had caught. Heterogeneous in their form and their destination, these writings illustrate the curiosity, the interest and, often, the disturbance which these young travelers feel in front of new universes for them, while the wars of Italy are already tearing Europe apart.This experience of the other thus turns out to be a crucial moment in the structuring of the political thought of these three major authors, at an age when their intellectual formation process is still in development. The Prince of Machiavelli, like the History of Italy by Francesco Guicciardini, founding works of modern historiography, find in these missions more than mere beginnings: each of their pages bears the reminiscence of an unprecedented desire to apprehend differently the world, to understand it better. ; Les noms de Machiavel, Vettori et Guicciardini sont unis par la riche correspondance qu'ils ont entretenue, témoignage de leur indéfectible amitié. Ce lien est né des missions qu'ils ont menées, individuellement ou à deux, pour le compte de la République florentine entre 1500 et 1513. Les textes réunis, traduits et commentés dans ce volume sont les témoignages de ces légations en France, en Allemagne et en Espagne, rédigés tantôt dans le but d'informer et de conseiller les autorités florentines, tantôt pour le simple plaisir de conserver le souvenir de ce qu'avait capté leur regard. Hétérogènes par leur forme et par leur destination, ces ...

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