Open Access BASE2010

Jacques Bainville et la Roumanie d'entre-deux-guerres: regards croisés


International audience ; Jacques Bainville as a foreign policy chronicler gave central, eastern and Balkan Europe an important part in his writings. Deeply remodelled by the peace treaties signed after the first world conflict, the "East Barrier" was to guarantee security, so much facing Germany that facing Bolshevik Russia, both recovering in the second half of the twenties. During this "in between two wars", Rumania was thus - along with Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia - one the main allies of France. It was one of those that guaranteed "status quo post bellum" and therefore a determined opponent to the revisionist powers of that period. However, one must admit that although Bainville was actually deeply concerned about that region as a whole, he wasn't much interested in the Rumanian monarchy. Even if he referred to it several times, he especially praised the monarchist system in place but worried about the dangers coming from inside or outside and that threatened the Balkan kingdom, traditionally considered as deeply Francophile, and its stability. Despite Bainville's clear and assumed liking for Rumania, despite the "a priori" strong and close links that existed between the radical Rumanian and French right wings, despite the claiming of a particular influence of those in favour of Charles Maurras in the country, it seems that his influence on the extreme right wing of the kingdom remained very modest. ; Le chroniqueur de politique étrangère qu'était Jacques Bainville a donné à l'Europe centrale, orientale et balkanique une importance particulière dans ses écrits. Profondément remodelée par les traités de paix à l'issue du premier conflit mondial, la « barrière de l'Est » devait constituer un gage de sécurité, tant face à l'Allemagne que face à la Russie bolchevique, toutes deux renaissantes dans la seconde moitié des années vingt. Dans cet entre-deux-guerres, la Roumanie est ainsi – en compagnie de la Pologne, de la Tchécoslovaquie et de la Yougoslavie – une des principales alliées de la France, une ...

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