Open Access BASE2016

Citoyenneté sans fil et reliance en réseau


International audience ; Network topology –decentralized arrangement of various elements of a computer grid- in which each node relays data for the network, MESH technologies has been recently presented as profoundly disruptive and able to change both our telecom infrastructure, our citizenship practices and our "communicative action" (Habermas, 1981). Recently implemented on mobile devices (Mobile -WiFi- peer-to-peer communication), this technology has been prominently mentioned during global political movements (Arab spring, Occupy movements, etc.) who crystallized, in a certain way, questions related to the Internet citizen's socio-technical and political skills, to the roles of States in the defense of individual liberties, bottom-up telecommunication infrastructures and net neutrality. Disseminated widely within wireless community networks, organizations that attempt to take a grassroots approach to providing a viable alternative to municipal wireless networks for consumers; MESH technology software can be observed in different ways. This article discusses the communication aspects of this technology from a critical point of view, it analyses of the storytelling that surround it and presents an ethnography of a Detroit MESH network and its publics (USA). By observing both the speeches given on this technology and the "manières de faire" (De Certeau, 1989) in local deployment of a software able to create MESH networks, we show how this technology is once a vector for emergence of "democratic rationalization" (Feenberg, 2004) and a set of local "tactics" to a more distributed governance of the Internet, less concentrated around major operators of infrastructure. ; Topología de red (una red en la que cada nodo está conectado a todos los demás nodos de forma que es posible llevar los mensajes de un nodo a otro por distintos caminos), la topología "MESH" (de red malla) esta presentada últimamente como profundamente perturbadora y capaz de cambiar tanto nuestra infraestructura de telecomunicaciones como ...

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