Open Access BASE2009

Risk analysis for Phytophthora ramorum, a newly recognised pathogen threat to Europe and the cause of Sudden Oak Death in the USA (Acronym - RAPRA)


This project aimed to determine the risks posed by Phytophthora ramorum (the cause of sudden oak death) to European trees, woodland ecosystems and other environmentally important habitats (e.g. heathlands). The pathogen is a newly described species which is a recent alien introduction to both the United States and Europe; it is currently the most significant quarantine pathogen for Europe. Prior to being described, this pathogen was first observed infecting Rhododendrons in Germany in 1993, but its significance as the cause of sudden oak death in the United States was not understood until 2001. However, the potential risk that sudden oak death posed to European trees was reviewed in a pest risk analysis drafted in Britain in September 2000 and forwarded to the European Union Plant Health Directorate for consideration by Standing Plant Health Committee.A major deliverable of the project was database 1.1, which contain records of plants and trees found to be infected by Phytophthora ramorum in Europe. Although it is now complete for the purposes of risk mapping with more than 2 000 records covering a total of 83 naturally infected species, further records for new hosts were added to the database throughout the year. Data supplied by various Member States and other European countries to RAPRA over 2004-2007 have now been compiled into a series of maps for each Europe and each individual country. These maps are now available on the RAPRA public website. In addition, the records supplied by various European countries to the RAPRA project have been analysed for trends in the number of surveys and proportion of positives found in each country over the period 2004-2006. Overall, relatively low numbers of the samples taken during surveys tested positive, ranging between < 1-5 %.Deliverable reports from each work package are made available on the RAPRA website:, as well as the full reports where appropriate.A major deliverable was to develop, refine and publishing a European pest risk analysis ...

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