Open Access BASE2006

Determination of processed animal proteins in feed: the performance characteristics of classical microscopy and immunoassays


International audience ; Species specific detection and detection of groups of species such as ruminants is required according to European legislation dealing with the safe use of animal by-products in animal nutrition. Various methods are applied to the analysis of feed samples for the presence of banned processed animal proteins (PAPs) including meat and bone meal (MBM). Classical microscopy as described in the Commission Directive EC/2003/126 is the only official method to detect the presence of constituents of animal origin in feed, nevertheless some deviating protocols allowed under the old Directive (EC/88/1988) claim to gain comparable results. An inherent limitation of the official microscopic method is the lack of species specificity. Immnunoassays showed the most promising potential in research projects or intercomparison studies being able to detect ruminant PAPs at a concentration level of 0.5%. The aim of this paper is to present the results of the intercomparison study conducted on behalf of DG-Health and Consumer Protection (SANCO) in 2004 to establish whether the two-solvent Method would gain comparable results to the current European Method and to evaluate the current capability of immnuoassays of determining the species in PAPs present in feed.

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