Fuzzy-PID control for multisource energy management in buildings
7 pages ; International audience ; In France, 25% of greenhouse effect gases (GEG) emissions and 46% of global energy consumption are due to buildings. Based on legal documentation such as "Réglementation Thermique 2005" (RT2005) and "Diagnostic de Performance Energétique" (DPE), objectives of the French government focus on reducing the consumption of fossil energy in buildings while preserving comfort and functionality. In this sense, reducing wasting and improving energy management is crucial. Moreover, renewable energy sources need to be promoted to reach these objectives. The aim of the present work is proposing a control strategy for optimizing the multisource energy management in a building room (an office). Two energy sources are available: a renewable energy source, used for main heating, and a fossil energy source, used for additional heating. The work consists of two parts: Part 1: developing a thermal and dynamic model of the 10m long and north-south orientation room where several sensors have been installed (temperature, humidity, pressure.). Total heat power is 1000W: 700W for the main heating source and 300W for the additional one. Part 2: many control strategies such as PID, MPC (Model Predictive Control) or fuzzy control have already been tested with the above-mentioned model for regulating the indoor temperature of the room. They provided good performance for reducing the fossil energy consumption. However, and for trying to improve the obtained results, part 2 of the present work is focused on developing a fuzzy-PID controller.
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