Open Access BASE2017

Status of astrid architecture in starting of basic design phase


International audience ; Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFR) is one of the Generation IV reactor concepts selected to secure the nuclear fuel resources and to manage radioactive waste. In the frame of the June 2006 French act on sustainable management of radioactive materials and wastes, French Government entrusted CEA (French Commission for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy) to conduct design studies of ASTRID (Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration) prototype in collaboration with fourteen industrial partners.After 6 years of Conceptual Design phase, the Project is involved since January 2016 in Basic Design with a reference for the power conversion systems (PCS) in Brayton gas cycle in order to benefit from the use of a gas (pure nitrogen) non-reactive with sodium.The first 10 months of 2016 were dedicated to a Confirmation of Configuration Phase (P2C) whose objectives were to revisit and optimize the different technical options considered as the reference configuration during the AVP phase.The P2C was closed in October 2016 by a review which defined the new reference configuration for the Basic Design studies to be done. In addition, Balance Of Plant (BOP) studies considering the French reference site are going on.This paper presents the status of the ASTRID architecture including a synthesis of the specificities of the site. The main items of the reference P2C configuration will be detailed: design of Na secondary loops and heat exchangers according to the Brayton cycle, handling fuel route including an external storage vessel in the reactor building, symmetric design of the nuclear buildings with two exchangers gas buildings and independent turbine associated.Finally, the conditions of integration of the nuclear island buildings in the site and the general layout will also be exposed.Items addressed in this document include 3D views of nuclear island buildings which have been designed by the industrial Partners and managed by CEA which acts as the industrial architect of the ...

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