Open Access BASE2012

Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos energetinis saugumas


Energy security is an integral part of national security in Lithuania as well as Belarus. In the energy sector the two countries are both dependent on a single supplier – Russia, but the geopolitical and societal context of this dependence is substantially different. As a part of Western geopolitical constellation – NATO and EU – Lithuania stands for the democratic governance and private sector-based market economy, whereas the Belarusian regime favours a major state involvement in the economy and has entered various Russia-dominated integration projects of the post-Soviet space. Despite the differences that result in significantly diverging energy policies, there is still a common ground for cooperation between the two countries as well as for a dialogue between the respective scientific communities. In the special issue, the Lithuanian and Belarusian researchers present their insights on the conceptual and methodological issues of energy security assessment from quantitative, as well as qualitative approach.

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