Open Access BASE2010

Web accessibility national transition strategy



The Australian Government's adoption and implementation of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) Websites that are developed under principles of universal design, with a focus on accessibility, are more usable for everybody, regardless of age, ethnicity or disability. By improving government website accessibility, we support the objectives of the planned National Disability Strategy and the goals of the recently ratified UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. We also create a more socially inclusive environment in which people can access information and services and engage with government. In Australia, the 2003 Australian Bureau of Statistics survey of disability, aging and carers found that one in five people (about four million Australians) reported that they had a disability. The requirement for Australian Government departments and agencies to provide accessible information and online services has been a component of each e-Government Strategy since 2000. The initial strategy outlined the requirement for all government websites to comply with the World Wide Web Consortium's2 (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 1.0. The Australian National Audit Office, the Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) and the Australian Human Rights Commission have supported agencies in meeting their accessibility obligations via the publication of advice recommending the WCAG 1.0 as the accepted standard for Australian Government websites. With advances in technology for websites and online services, WCAG 1.0 has become outdated and was recently upgraded by the W3C to WCAG version 2.0. Australian governments at all levels have endorsed WCAG 2.0, and require all government websites (federal, state and territory) to meet the new guidelines at the minimum compliance level (Single A) by the end of 2012. In addition, the Australian Government requires all federal websites to meet the medium conformance level (Double A) by the end of 2014. AGIMO (part ...


Australian Government Information Management Office

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