Open Access BASE2015

Knowledge and Attitude, the Two Major Barriers to ICT Adoption in LDC are the Opposite Side of a Coin; An Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh


Information Communication Technology (ICT) adoption in the least developed countries (LDC) suffers from complex socio- cultural problems, where lack of knowledge and attitude towards ICT are the major stumbling blocks for ICT adoption in the public sector of Bangladesh. This empirical study was carried out through a quantitative survey across 352 government and non-government participants to investigate interrelationship between these two factors. The result shows strong correlation amongst them, which further suggests that ICT skill, one of the components of ICT knowledge is potentially a strong driver to change the typical attitude and mindset towards ICT in the context of LDC. The findings have important implications in practice as well as research, which are expected to contribute in future direction of research and also in the effort to solve the complex puzzle of ICT adoption in developing country context.

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