Open Access BASE2015

Australia's Seat at the Big Table: Evaluating the Role of Australia in the G20



Gobalisation is continuing to increase the cooperation and interconnectedness of all states' domestic and foreign policy. The Group of 20 (G20) is an institution that has seen both its birth and renewal stem from the aftermath of a crisis, giving it a stable, heroic and dependent mandate for political trust and attention. As a middle power, Australia is always looking for ways to promote its keen multilateral attributes and rising economic status; the G20 gave it the opportunity to do this at a premier, international level. The role that Australia has played and is capability for the future is the focus of this paper. To adequately assess this topic four main elements of the G20 are examined. First, the history of the G20 is considered. A close examination of the purpose behind the creation of the institution is undertaken. This historical context, describing the birth and reformation of the G20 indicates that Australia was fortunate to attain membership from this exclusive group. When the G20 was elevated to the level of premier global economic forum it gave the institution and its members new levels of success and global influence. Second, the motivations behind the protagonist and enthusiastic role of Australia in the reinvigoration of the G20 to its current leader level status are examined. Scrutiny of these motivations highlights the desired international, regional and domestic outcome from Australia's involvement and active participation in the forum. These motivations were condensed into four main themes: the elevation of regional importance and middle power status; invested interest in the agenda; Australia's heavy reliance on trade; and the need to project its power in an internationally significant forum capable of real change. The third and largest area of in-depth research surrounds the actual and potential contributions of Australia to the G20. The actual contributions of Australia mirror aspects of Australia's initial motivations, as well as promoting actual reform and leadership traits. Australia has made numerous meaningful and actual contributions to the G20 though its chairmanship in 2006, domestic stimulus package, working group negotiation skills and the ability to promote effective and legitimate discussions as a middle power. Australia's potential contribution is also extensive and multifaceted. Research indicates that Australia's experience as a resource and agriculture and regulator may extend transnationally in an effort to achieve G2O aspirations. There is also the potential for Australia to exude leadership abilities in the wake of leadership transiency, however this is a potential position that many similarly placed G20 members desire. Within this chapter the involvement of Australia in formal and informal outreach arrangements is examined. As the G20 grows in influence, there is an increasing need to maintain legitimacy through non-member involvement. Australia understands this requirement and has suggested aligning other international agenda and the interests of neighbouring states to the G20 agenda. This is a topic that Australia will need to develop if it wishes to uphold the credibility of the G20 and its decisions. The forth and final area of research pertains to the future position of the G20 as both a 'crisis response' and 'steering committee' for global economic cooperation. The expanding nature of global fora, in addition to the most recent G20 agenda, has demonstrated the political will (both from within and outside the G20) to broaden the agenda of the G20. This final chapter examines the practicality and workability of such expansion. There is a limit to the expansion of the G 20, if it wishes to remain dedicated to concrete action. The agenda must maintain an economic focus and continue to address international issues at a leaders-level to remain a premier forum within the patchwork of global institutions. In-depth examination of the G20's future also dispels the notion of fierce competition between the Group of 7 /8 (G7 / G8) and the G20. Both of these institutions will remain relevant for the international community in the foreseeable future given the unspoken division of labour created between them. In summary, this paper makes the research based assertions that Australia has made a meaningful contribution to the efforts of the G20 to date and has the capacity to continue this level of contribution in the future. Australia will have to increase its formal and informal outreach mechanisms to promote regional cohesion and safeguard the institutions legitimacy. Australia will also need to comprehend the restrictions on the G20's capacity to expand beyond economics. The need to tender issues for their economic value will be of critical importance to the G20 in the future. Furthermore, the relationship between the G7 /8 and the G20 will maintain contrasting international focuses with a healthy level of economic overlap.

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