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Kurganskaja oblast': ekonomika, partii, lidery

In: Vlastʹ: obščenacionalʹnyj naučno-političeskij žurnal, Issue 2, p. 79-84

ISSN: 2071-5358

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World Affairs Online

Article(electronic)#3September 24, 2021

Analysis of characteristics of the human potential and quality of life in Ural regions

In: Narodonaselenie: ežekvartal'nyj naučnyj žurnal = Population, Volume 24, Issue 3, p. 32-41

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Article(electronic)#6March 27, 2023

The age structure of the population of the regions of Russia at the beginning of the 21st century: components of the formation

In: Narodonaselenie: ežekvartal'nyj naučnyj žurnal = Population, Volume 26, Issue 1, p. 4-15

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World Affairs Online