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Article(electronic)#46July 4, 2013

Redacción hipertextual en el periodismo digital universitario: ACN, Escenario, Directo Bogotá y Papiro

In: Poliantea, Volume 4, Issue 7

ISSN: 2145-3101

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Open Access#472021

Meta-analytic evidence of differential prefrontal and early sensory cortex activity during non-social sensory perception in autism


Article(electronic)#48December 15, 2019

The ecological and biogeochemical state of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre is linked to sea surface height

In: Journal of marine research, Volume 77, Issue 2, p. 215-245

ISSN: 1543-9542

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Article(electronic)#49October 2020

'The do-gooders and scroungers': examining narratives of foodbank use in online local press coverage in the West Midlands, UK

In: Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, Volume 28, Issue 3, p. 279-298

ISSN: 1759-8281

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Article(electronic)#50December 22, 2020

Losing My Connection: The Dark Side of Bank–Firm Interlocking Directorates

In: Economica, Volume 88, Issue 350, p. 474-498

ISSN: 1468-0335

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Open Access#512018

Le perdite militari e civili a Pola e nel circondario durante il Primo e Secondo conflitto mondiale con dopoguerra (1914-1947) ; CIVILNE I VOJNE ŽRTVE U PULI I OKOLICI ZA VRIJEME PRVOG I DRUGOG SVJETSKOG RATA TE PORAĆA (1914.-1947.)


Open Access#522019

Castilla-La Mancha, paradigma de la crisis del periodismo: de los viejos magnates a los nuevos micromedios ; Castilla-La Mancha, the journalism crisis sample: from press barons to new diminished media



Traceability in the Dairy Industry in Europe: Theory and Practice



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Open Access#551744

Anno regni Georgii II. regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, decimo octavo : at the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the first day of December, anno Dom. 1741, in the fifteenth year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord, George the Second . : and from thence continued by several pr...



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Article(electronic)#57January 30, 2023

Criação de cooperativas de costureiras no bairro da Casa Verde, São Paulo:: oportunidades e desafios

In: Pesquisa & debate, Volume 35, Issue 2(62), p. 137-145

ISSN: 1806-9029

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Open Access#582011

"deber de memoria" y "razones de olvido" en la justicia transaccional colombiana


Open Access#591815

Anno quinquagesimo quinto Georgii III Regis



Open Access#602016

"Cut Holes and Sink 'em": Chemical Weapons Disposal and Cold War History as a History of Risk ; Cut Holes and Sink 'em': Die Entsorgung chemischer Waffen und die Geschichte des Kalten Kriegs als eine Geschichte des Risikos