Administration for public purposes, financial constraints and organization ; Amministrazione per fini pubblici, vincoli finanziari e organizzazione
This paper aims to discuss the model of administration for public purposes from the point of view of the complex dynamic between public finance choices, administrative organization, and the protection of constitutionally guaranteed rights. Starting from the analysis of the constitutional foundations of the power of organization and financial sovereignty, after framing the function of financial constraints from the perspective of popular sovereignty, the objective of the article is to evaluate the implications of the public financial law on the protection of the fundamental rights of the person and, consequently, on the choices concerning the organization called to give protection PA PERSONA E AMMINISTRAZIONE Ricerche Giuridiche sull'Amministrazione e l'Economia 272 to them, according to a discursive-rational paradigm. Through the criticism of the thesis of financially conditioned rights, developed in the wake of the jurisprudential orientation that recognizes the existence of a minimum nucleus of social rights that have to be satisfy, and the recognition of the existence of different legal situations directly operating by the citizen in relation to the exercise of the power of organization, the author proposes a rereading of the political and administrative dynamics concerning the protection of the fundamental rights of the person, framing them within the framework of a legal-institutional dialectic based on criteria of economic rationality and the principle of loyal collaboration. According to the Author, the correct understanding of this dialectic is the necessary prerequisite for the rethinking of the administrative organization according to the objective perspective of the administration for public purposes. ; Il presente lavoro intende discutere il modello dell'amministrazione per fini pubblici dal punto di vista della complessa dinamica che intercorre tra scelte di finanza pubblica, organizzazione amministrativa e godimento dei diritti costituzionalmente garantiti. Partendo dall'analisi dei fondamenti ...