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2623981 Ergebnisse
All too often, gays and lesbians are not accepted by the criminal justice community because of their sexual orientation, and because they are criminal justice personnel, they are not accepted by lesbians and gay men. Written by a past liaison between the Miami Beach Police Department and the lesbian, gay and bisexual community, A Matter of Justice highlights the paradoxes and difficulties faced by these men and women. It portrays the diversity and similarities of their experiences and shares their experiences
"By examining everyday life in Venezuela's post-colonial period, Reuben Zahler provides a broad perspective on conditions throughout the Americas and the tension between traditional norms and new liberal standards during Venezuela's transformation from a Spanish colony to a modern republic"--Provided by publisher
In: The politics of language
In: Routledge explorations in development studies, 7
In: Temi di diritto privato e di diritto pubblico