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In current times, highly complex and urgent policy problems—e.g., climate change, rapid urbanization, equitable access to key services, land rights, and massive human resettlement—challenge citizens, NGOs, private corporations, and governments at all levels. These policy problems, often called 'wicked', involve multiple causal factors, anticipated and unanticipated effects, as well as high levels of disagreement among stakeholders about the nature of the problem and the appropriateness of solutions. Given the wickedness of such policy problems, interdisciplinary and longitudinal research is required, integrating and harnessing the diverse skills and knowledge of urban planners, anthropologists, geographers, geo-information scientists, economists, and others. This Special Issue promotes innovative concepts, methods, and tools, as well as the role of geo-information, to help (1) analyze alternative policy solutions, (2) facilitate stakeholder dialogue, and (3) explore possibilities for tackling wicked problems related to climate change, rapid urbanization, equitable access to key services (such as water and health), land rights, and human resettlements in high-, middle-, and low-income countries in the North and South. Such integrative approaches can deepen our understanding of how different levels of government and governance reach consensus, despite diverging beliefs and preferences. Due to the particularly complex spatiotemporal characteristics of wicked policy problems, innovative concepts, alternative methods, and new geo-information tools play a significant role.
In: Environment and planning. A, Volume 46, Issue 4, p. 980-1000
ISSN: 1472-3409
The authors contribute to the discussion on suburban developments by way of modeling the underlying social dynamics between suburban actors in two European suburban areas: the Wirral (Liverpool), UK and Leipzig, Germany. Data from questionnaires carried out in the two study areas are used to model social attraction and repulsion: that is, social segregation processes among socioeconomic groups. The model suggests that these social dynamics would, if other possible influences are ignored, lead to a situation of fluctuating residential in-migration and out-migration and to waves of suburbanization in the study regions. There are no persistent states: suburbanization would steadily continue until external—that is, not modeled—forces restrict movement, impact the spatial characteristics of the suburbs, or alter the social interactions among the actors. Suburban in-migration could only be reduced by strict planning regulations and/ or other external forces which impact actor-class constellations and interdependencies, for example, by measures to restrict migration to more distant suburban locations and to provide preferential housing in the inner urban areas. The analysis further indicates that suburbs develop into independent residential areas, separate from the urban centers, as the primary source of migration to suburbs is no longer the urban centers; the vast majority of moves occur within suburbs or into suburbs from outside the region.
In: International journal of the commons: IJC, Volume 18, Issue 1
ISSN: 1875-0281
Peri-urban landscapes are urban-rural interfaces that experience challenges due to dynamic urbanisation and climate change effects. These landscapes are also characterized by overlapping jurisdictions, blurred boundaries, and regulatory slippage, leading to diverse and fragmented interactions of governance actors. This is particularly important in the context of peri-urban lake ecosystems, where conflicting goals between governance actors (state to civil society) often result in socio-ecological transformations of lakes. While existing governance studies provide knowledge on actor interactions in urban areas, there is a need to understand interactions between actors in the peri-urban context. To address this gap, we conduct a systematic review to conceptualize governance interactions between actors concerning the governance of peri-urban lake ecosystems. We identify four dominant discourses and their characteristics that may shape forms of lake ecosystem governance. In doing so, we draw insights from the literature review and present a graphical model to illustrate governance actor interactions, contributing to the transformation of lake ecosystems across spatial and temporal dimensions.
Cities are recognised as key players in global adaptation and mitigation efforts because the majority of people live in cities. However, in Europe, which is highly urbanized and one of the most advanced regions in terms of environmental policies, there is considerable diversity in the regional distribution, ambition and scope of climate change responses. This paper explores potential factors contributing to such diversity in 200 large and medium-sized cities across 11 European countries. We statistically investigate institutional, socio-economic, environmental and vulnerability characteristics of cities as potential drivers of or barriers to the development of urban climate change plans. Our results show that factors such as membership of climate networks, population size, GDP per capita and adaptive capacity act as drivers of mitigation and adaptation plans. By contrast, factors such as the unemployment rate, warmer summers, proximity to the coast and projected exposure to future climate impacts act as barriers. We see that, overall, it is predominantly large and prosperous cities that engage in climate planning, while vulnerable cities and those at risk of severe climate impacts in the future are less active. Our analysis suggests that climate change planning in European cities is not proactive, i.e. not significantly influenced by anticipated future impacts. Instead, we found that the current adaptive capacity of a city significantly relates to climate planning. Along with the need to further explore these relations, we see a need for more economic and institutional support for smaller and less resourceful cities and those at high risk from climate change impacts in the future.
In: Population and environment: a journal of interdisciplinary studies, Volume 46, Issue 3
ISSN: 1573-7810
AbstractAs the impacts of climate change intensify globally, scholars and policymakers are increasingly interested in determining the factors that lead to the success or failure of climate adaptation strategies. This paper investigates the well-being outcomes of ex-pastoralists in northern Kenya who have migrated to towns in response to severe droughts. Focusing on Marsabit Town, the study employs a comparative design with primary survey data to analyze the well-being outcomes resulting from migration as an adaptation strategy. We contrast two heterogeneous groups of former pastoralists: a "settled group" that was already residing in Marsabit Town before ending their pastoral activities and a "migrant group" that relocated to Marsabit Town at the time of abandoning pastoralism. Our analysis reveals significant differences in well-being outcomes between these groups, with the migrant group often experiencing deterioration in their well-being levels. Key predictors of poorer well-being outcomes include the loss of all livestock, informal housing, and failure to transition into agricultural work, which often results in dependence on casual labor. Additionally, many migrants continue to experience poor subjective well-being—referring to their personal satisfaction with the quality of life—years after their livelihood transition. These insights offer a nuanced understanding of the well-being outcomes of migration-as-adaptation among heterogeneous groups of ex-pastoralists and underscore the need for customized livelihood support strategies for the most at-risk populations.
In: Climate policy, Volume 24, Issue 4, p. 458-472
ISSN: 1752-7457
Heat and increasing ambient temperatures under climate change represent a serious threat to human health in cities. Heat exposure has been studied extensively at a global scale. Studies comparing a defined temperature threshold with the future daytime temperature during a certain period of time, had concluded an increase in threat to human health. Such findings however do not explicitly account for possible changes in future human heat adaptation and might even overestimate heat exposure. Thus, heat adaptation and its development is still unclear. Human heat adaptation refers to the local temperature to which populations are adjusted to. It can be inferred from the lowest point of the U- or V-shaped heat-mortality relationship (HMR), the Minimum Mortality Temperature (MMT). While epidemiological studies inform on the MMT at the city scale for case studies, a general model applicable at the global scale to infer on temporal change in MMTs had not yet been realised. The conventional approach depends on data availability, their ...
Heat and increasing ambient temperatures under climate change represent a serious threat to human health in cities. Heat exposure has been studied extensively at a global scale. Studies comparing a defined temperature threshold with the future daytime temperature during a certain period of time, had concluded an increase in threat to human health. Such findings however do not explicitly account for possible changes in future human heat adaptation and might even overestimate heat exposure. Thus, heat adaptation and its development is still unclear. Human heat adaptation refers to the local temperature to which populations are adjusted to. It can be inferred from the lowest point of the U- or V-shaped heat-mortality relationship (HMR), the Minimum Mortality Temperature (MMT). While epidemiological studies inform on the MMT at the city scale for case studies, a general model applicable at the global scale to infer on temporal change in MMTs had not yet been realised. The conventional approach depends on data availability, their ...
In: Urban studies, Volume 44, Issue 2, p. 339-355
ISSN: 1360-063X
The aim of this paper is to find major influencing factors of CO 2 emissions from road traffic in urban areas. The approach of the study involved a statistical analysis on the basis of the formerly 23 urban districts of the German capital of Berlin. Correlation and regression analyses of empirical data from the settlement structure, the traffic structure and income have found that the number of jobs per district and the share of the well-off population can best describe the CO2 emissions from traffic in Berlin. Also the number of residents, the total built area, the number of cars and the amount of traffic area are positively related to the dependent variable. Therefore, the possibilities to reduce CO2 emissions from road traffic for urban planners seem limited: a restriction of space dedicated to traffic and a change of transport means for commuting represent leverage points, according to the analysis. The other significant indicators are less able to be influenced by local and regional decision-makers-an alteration in the means of mobility to less CO2 emitting alternatives is needed if CO2 emissions from road traffic are extensively to be decreased.
In: Ecology and society: E&S ; a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability, Volume 26, Issue 2
ISSN: 1708-3087
Das vorliegende UFZ-Diskussionspapier ist die Dokumentation des Workshops Schrumpfung und Urban Sprawl, der am 3. November 2003 am UFZ stattfand. Es führt damit eine Diskussions- und Forschungslinie fort, die in den 1990er Jahren durch Forscher und Praktiker aus unterschiedlichen Einrichtungen der Region Halle-Leipzig begründet wurde. Im Arbeitskreis Suburbanisierung wurden unter Koordination des UFZ disziplinäre Zugänge und praktische Erfahrungen zusammengeführt und daraus Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet. Zwischenzeitlich hat der Suburbanisierungsdruck, der noch Ende der 1990er Jahre konstatiert wurde, deutlich abgenommen nicht nur in der Region, sondern in ganz Ostdeutschland. Nichtsdestoweniger ist Suburbanisierung ein zentraler Gegenstand von raumbezogener Politik und räumlicher Planung geblieben und hat im Zusammenhang mit dem Thema Stadtumbau neue Relevanz gewonnen. So ist davon auszugehen, dass auch in der Region Halle-Leipzig die intensive Beschäftigung mit dem Problem der Suburbanisierung anhalten wird allerdings unter veränderten Vorzeichen. Im Mittelpunkt steht nunmehr die Frage, welche Anforderungen sich aus der Situation von demographischer und städtischer Schrumpfung für die wissenschaftliche und praktische Auseinandersetzung mit Suburbanisierung ergeben. So gilt es, unter anderem, zu klären, ob sich die Richtung von Sprawl unter Schrumpfungsbedingungen umkehrt, ob das Zusammenspiel von Schrumpfung und Sprawl zu einer neuen Stadtstruktur führt oder ob sich durch diese spezifische Situation die Segregationsmuster verändern. Auf dem Workshop selbst wurden vor allem die Möglichkeiten der Steuerung von Suburbanisierung bzw. Sprawl unter Schrumpfungsbedingungen behandelt. Dazu wurden Überlegungen und Ergebnisse, die im EU-Projekt URBS PANDENS am Fallbeispiel Leipzig gewonnen wurden, vorgestellt, diskutiert und mit Erfahrungen aus der Praxis bzw. aus einer anderen Region konfrontiert. Neben der empirischen Analyse spielt dabei ein im Rahmen von URBS PANDENS entwickeltes qualitatives Modell des Urban Sprawl eine zentrale Rolle.
International audience ; Climate Action Planning is one of the top priorities of cities in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthening climate-resilience, as pointed out by the New Urban Agenda and the Paris Agreement. This study aims at assessing the development of climate change mitigation and adaptation planning in Italian cities. To this end, we analysed the availability of Local Climate Plans (LCPs) in 76 cities, which are included in the Eurostat Urban Audit (UA-2015) database. In a further step, we analysed the content of the urban climate change mitigation and adaptation plans available in a smaller sample of 32 Italian cities of 2007 Eurostat Urban Audit database (UA-3), looking at the single actions undertaken for addressing mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Results show the almost total absence of comprehensive and stand-alone urban climate change adaptation plans in Italy (except for two cities, Ancona and Bologna), whereas we found that in 61 out of 76 cities municipal civil protection plans are the instruments that deal with local emergencies associated to extreme weather events. On the other hand, 56 out of 76 urban climate change mitigation plans (i.e. Sustainable Energy Action Plans) are being developed in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors, which is a transnational network of local governments created by the European Union (EU) in 2012. The results obtained on the mitigation side point out that, in absence of a national law that imposes Italian cities to develop LCPs, transnational networks are an effective boost to voluntary commitment to reach EU climate and energy objectives.
International audience ; Climate Action Planning is one of the top priorities of cities in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthening climate-resilience, as pointed out by the New Urban Agenda and the Paris Agreement. This study aims at assessing the development of climate change mitigation and adaptation planning in Italian cities. To this end, we analysed the availability of Local Climate Plans (LCPs) in 76 cities, which are included in the Eurostat Urban Audit (UA-2015) database. In a further step, we analysed the content of the urban climate change mitigation and adaptation plans available in a smaller sample of 32 Italian cities of 2007 Eurostat Urban Audit database (UA-3), looking at the single actions undertaken for addressing mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Results show the almost total absence of comprehensive and stand-alone urban climate change adaptation plans in Italy (except for two cities, Ancona and Bologna), whereas we found that in 61 out of 76 cities municipal civil protection plans are the instruments that deal with local emergencies associated to extreme weather events. On the other hand, 56 out of 76 urban climate change mitigation plans (i.e. Sustainable Energy Action Plans) are being developed in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors, which is a transnational network of local governments created by the European Union (EU) in 2012. The results obtained on the mitigation side point out that, in absence of a national law that imposes Italian cities to develop LCPs, transnational networks are an effective boost to voluntary commitment to reach EU climate and energy objectives.