ABSTRACTAn empirical study is described that derives the dimensionality of the concept of information. The resulting information structure was found to be in agreement with the structures suggested in the literature. Additionally, subject evaluations of three distinct report formats were determined using the derived dimensions of information. A graphical format was found to be preferred over both a tabular format and a bar chart format.
Discusses the role of theory in applied research. Applies several theoretical perspectives from organizational science to the subject of organisational support for end‐user computing. Concludes that a variety of theoretical perspectives gives a richer understanding of the phenomenon, a source of testable propositions, and a possibility to integrate and combine models. States the purpose of the paper is to stimulate researchers to understand and use existing theory.
ABSTRACTThe redesign of information technology (IT)‐enabled work processes often necessitates fundamental design changes to the intended work process, the IT platform hosting the work process, or both. Research suggests that such design changes often can be traced to earlier decisions involving endogenous adaptation or internal organizational change. Two such decisions are a firm's technology position and planning mode. This study examines the relationship between technology position and planning mode in predicting the magnitude of design change in process redesign projects. The conceptual frame applied in examining these relationships involves a synthesis of Miles and Snow's adaptive cycle with elements central to concurrent engineering. Our results indicate that the magnitude of design change is related to differences in technology position and planning mode. To effectively implement organizational change, firms must leverage their IT platform by carefully timing IT investments in accordance with their adopted technology position. Directing the trajectory of a firm's IT platform and deploying it so as to complement the firm's technology position reduces design uncertainty, promoting reengineering success.
In: J.J. Po-An Hsieh and Robert Zmud "Understanding Post-Adoptive Usage Behaviors: A Two-Dimensional View," Proceedings of the DIGIT Workshop¸ Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, Dec. 10, 2006
Organizational adaptation to competition often means inventing or adopting a process innovation and the daunting challenge of implementing it. Increasingly, process innovations rely on the capabilities embedded in an organization's IT infrastructure. Successfully implementing an IT-enabled process innovation depends largely on how a project's IT and work process designs fit and evolve with this IT infrastructure. However, little empirical research guides the formulation of IT and work process strategies. This study addresses the question: How does the degree of coupling between a redesign project's IT strategy and work process strategy affect project performance? Data collection utilized a multistage research design employing comprehensive phone interviews and matched surveys among three sets of respondents (project managers, IT managers, and process users) across 43 process redesign projects in the health care industry. Our findings indicate project performance improves with tightly coupled IT and work process strategies when implementing process inventions, and with loosely coupled strategies when implementing imitations.
This study examines the impact of the introduction of voice mail on (1) the effectiveness of the interorganizational relationship between a manufacturing firm and its network of dealerships and (2) the sales performance of these dealerships. As voice mail was introduced into two of five sales regions, this trial intervention provided an opportunity to assess these organizational impacts using a quasi-experimental research design. The results indicate that voice mail enhanced interorganizational effectiveness as measured by dealership sales performance in two primary ways: directly, due to the store and forward nature of voice mail; and indirectly, due to improved interorganizational relationships between the manufacturer's field representatives and the dealerships' sales managers enabled by the more effective use of written communication media. The study also demonstrates the importance, when examining the organizational impacts of information technology, of devising data-gathering procedures which tightly link the functionality of the technology being examined to specific organizational processes.
The objective of this research was to determine if a convergence in understanding between providers and users of a technology would result in greater innovativeness regarding that technology. Two mechanisms were proposed for achieving greater convergence: (1) more frequent communication and (2) the use of richer communication channels. Here, convergence represents the degree of mutual understanding between the technology providers and the other business personnel about the firm's business activities and the importance of the technology in supporting those activities. Frequency of communication indicated the degree to which the technology providers and the business personnel had communication contact, while richness of communication was determined by the type of communication channel used. These means of communication ranged from face to face, computer mediated, to written channels of communication. The convergence construct was operationalized in terms of the value chain framework where 14 business activities (primary and secondary to the value chain) were identified. Convergence thus represents the degree of mutual understanding between the technology providers and the business personnel regarding the importance of these business activities and the importance of the technology in supporting these activities. Innovativeness was determined through expert evaluation of information technology innovativeness. This research was conducted in two United States divisions of a large multinational firm. The units of analyses for the research constructs were the departments in these two divisions. The constructs were measured over five periods of data collection so that longitudinal, causal analysis techniques (cross-lagged correlations and path analysis) were used to investigate the research model. The following results were obtained: (1) convergence was found to be a predictor of innovativeness, (2) communication richness was a predictor of convergence, and (3) communication frequency was a predictor of both convergence and communication richness. This study provided two important extensions to the often-studied relationship between communication behaviors and innovativeness. First, this research showed empirically that the richness of communication influences innovativeness and, in fact, may be the more relevant predictor variable. Secondly, this research showed that convergence is an important intervening construct in the communication activity/innovativeness relationship. Interestingly, the research model only suggested a causal relationship for convergence on the importance of the primary business activities. Thus, the intent of this study to examine the proposition that frequent and rich communication exchanges produce a convergence in understanding among technology providers and users and, that this convergence directly promotes organizational innovativeness was supported.
With the recent slowdown in productivity growth within the economy, R&D has come under scrutiny as a policy target variable. If such targeting is to be effective, it must be realized that not all innovations employed within a firm are induced by the firm through its own R&D: many innovations are purchased through technological licensing or in the form of new capital equipment. Here, interfirm differences in this "make" versus "buy" strategy are analyzed within the context of the Utterback‐Abernathy production process lifecycle. Our findings suggest that (1) alternative sources to a firm's R&D for stimulating innovation may prove a viable strategy for federal targeting and (2) extrapolating the Utterback‐Abernathy model to an industry formulation has empirical validity.
The ability to integrate dispersed pockets of expertise and institute an organizational repository of knowledge is considered to be vital for sustained effectiveness in contemporary business environments. Information technologies provide cost-effective functionalities for building knowledge platforms through systematic acquisition, storage, and dissemination of organizational knowledge. However, in order to gain the value-adding potential of organizational knowledge, it is not sufficient to simply adopt and deploy IT-enabled knowledge platforms. These platforms must be assimilated into the ongoing work processes in organizations. Yet, theories of technology innovation and use suggest that a variety of institutional, social, and political factors blend together in influencing the extent to which complex information technologies are actually assimilated into organizational practice. Therefore, this research addresses a significant question: What forces influence the assimilation of knowledge platforms in organization? Given the significant gap between the adoption and actual assimilation of complex technologies into organizations, this is an important question. Empirical evidence is generated by examining the forces influencing the assimilation of CASE technologies in systems development projects in organizations. CASE is considered to be one of the most mature knowledge platforms in contemporary organizations. The empirical evidence sheds light on the role of institutional forces that influence the rate of assimilation of the technology. The findings have significant implications for further research and practice.
The conduct of information technology (IT) planning processes has been of dominant managerial concern in public and private organizations. Yet, current IT planning research offers little guidance on the types of planning actions and behaviors that are appropriate to organizational contexts. We focus on the conduct of the IT planning process by describing an exploratory research project. The project empirically examined a number of issues associated with managing IT planning within a single large public enterprise, particularly identifying actions and behaviors related to producing quality IT plans.The results of the study yield some useful set of guidelines; most interesting is the importance of building IT infrastructure based on IT sophistication and innovativeness for large agencies to improve plan quality. Other recommendations include having a focused, balanced technology and business planning orientation that incorporates a strategic outlook, support of top management, attention to business planning, and early consensus among planning members.
Theoretical constructs serve important roles in facilitating information and knowledge flows among, between and within information systems researchers and practitioners. In order for the benefits of constructs to be fully exploited, they must be appropriately applied and operationalized. Describes a controlled field study, examining users′ satisfaction with a decision support system, undertaken to point out the dangers of misapplying constructs and their measurement scales. Particular consideration is given to the risks associated with the use of general instruments in situations where more narrowly focused and context‐specific instruments are preferred.