In: Anthropological quarterly: AQ, Band 77, Heft 3, S. 575-580
ISSN: 1534-1518
3 Ergebnisse
In: Anthropological quarterly: AQ, Band 77, Heft 3, S. 575-580
ISSN: 1534-1518
The purpose of this study was to determine the most important relative responsibilities of four selected schools in Western Kansas. An identification of the responsibilities for each of the participating schools was achieved through an analysis of a Relative Responsibility questionnaire. The questionnaire used consisted of sixty statements of desirable behavior of school students. The faculty and patrons of each school were requested to indicate the agency responsible for the achievement of each of the sixty statements. A review of the related material revealed that professional educators feel the school should be responsible for the development of : (1) a command of the fundamental processes, (2) appreciation of out American heritage, (3) vocational competency, (4) interest in the welfare of the public, (5) appreciation of family relationships, (6) civic responsibility and (7) aesthetic and artistic activities. An analysis of the Relative Responsibility questionnaire shoes the faculty and patrons believe the homes relative responsibilities should include: (1) development of skill in homemaking, (2) enjoying a sincere and varied social life, (3) maintaining democratic family relations, (4) proper use of leisure time, (5) development of skill in social behavior, (6) development of respect for the law and (7) selection of occupation. The relative responsibilities of the school, as determined by faculty-patron responses, include (1) development of a desire for learning, (2) providing activities for student participation in sports and other pastimes, (3) understanding the basic facts concerning health and disease, (4) providing aesthetic and artistic activities, (5) skill in listening and observing, (6) speaking the English language clearly, (7) understanding the merits of a free economic system, and (8) understanding the requirements and opportunities for various jobs, the extent to which generationals can be made upon the basis of this study are limited because the study did not encompass the total population. Therefore, predictions of relative responsibilities of schools in general cannot e made. Bearing this in mind the following generalizations were made. 1. The participant schools should emphasize those educational objectives which were indicated to be the responsibility of the school. 2. Less emphasis should be given to those educational objectives which were assigned to the home, e.g., skill in homemaking. 3. The occupation and education of respondents had a direct veering upon the member of educational objectives assigned to the school. 4. Studies in the area of responsibility are important in order to define the limits of a schools responsibility. 5. The establishment of responsibilities is important as all responsibilities must be recognized and vested in some agency. Otherwise the age old axiom, "what is everyone's responsibility is nobody's responsibility," may prevail.
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