One of the limitations for entrepreneurs and businesses in Africa, including Nigeria, is having access to a stable energy source. The World Bank Group has encouraged off-grid power solutions to address this issue. Qualitative exploratory research of readily available literature was undertaken, supplemented by in-depth interviews. The findings were that an overhaul of existing systems needs to take place, and a huge market is available for exploitation by multinational corporations, small to medium enterprises, entrepreneurs, and investors. Finally, new business models are needed from entrepreneurs and businesses venturing into the power sector in order to disrupt the energy sector and alter the power supply, which was previously solely government owned. Privatization of the power supply by the government would bring more efficiency into the energy sector through disruptive solar technology.
There is a large gap between the vast solar resources and the magnitude of solar energy deployment in Argentina. In the case of photovoltaics, the country only reached the 1000 GWh electricity generated yearly landmark in 2020. Solar thermal technology is even less developed, in part due to the low natural gas prices resulting from political strategies that aim to soften the impact of an unstable economy on family budgets. This review describes this gap by summarizing the current state of Argentine solar energy. We summarize the fundamental legal and strategic tools which are available for solar energy deployment, survey the penetration of solar energy into the country's energy landscape, identify national contributions to the local value chain, and review past and present research and development achievements. Both photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies show a historical fluctuation between local technology development and imported technology and know-how. Finally, a discussion on the main ingredients required to abridge Argentina's solar gap indicates that stronger, consistent long-term strategies are required in Argentina in order to take advantage of the present window of opportunity, and to play a considerable role in the global energy transition.
Paper developed in AGH University of Science & Technology, Faculty of Mining & Geoengineering, Krakow, Poland, as part of statutory work no. ; This article presents the characteristics of three basic methods of solar energy conversion: thermal energy – photothermal conversion, electrical energy – photovoltaic conversion, energy related to chemical processes – photochemical conversion. The paper addresses some aspects of the primary goals of EU climate and energy policy, as well as the benefits of passive building constructions.
This report provides a description of solar energy and its uses in Argentina. In addition, it provides information about projects and legislation relating to renewable energy in Argentina.
This article deals with conditions for usage of solar energy in Spain. It discusses the current status of legislation in Spain and it analyzes the PER (Renewable Energy Plan). It also focuses on installed power and some most important photovoltaic installations.
Dziadykevych Yu.V., Buriak M.V., Lubezna I.V. DEVELOPMENT OF SOLAR ENERGY IN UKRAINEPurpose. The aim of the article is to study aspects of solar energy in Ukraine in order to increase the savings of fossil energy sources and energy security of the country.Methodology of research. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method of scientific knowledge. The general scientific and special methods of research are used, namely: the abstract and logical method is used in the outline of the main factors that influence the development of solar energy in Ukraine; with the help of a deductive method, the directions which contribute to the increase of the saving of fossil energy sources are analyzed; on the basis of the synthesis of scientific sources devoted to the problem of the use of solar energy, the factors that influence the process of the introduction of solar energy into production and everyday life are determined, as well as provide an opportunity to introduce innovations aimed at the development, creation of new types of technologies and organizational forms of production, which promotes ensuring the competitiveness of the products of enterprises both on the domestic and foreign markets.Findings. It has been established that the construction of solar power plants in Ukraine took place mainly during 2011-2017, which contributed to the introduction of a number of solar power plants during this period, which enabled to improve the supply of electricity demand and at the same time become consumers independent of generating companies and external conditions.The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) concluded that the increased use of solar energy in the period up to 2030 will reduce the overall cost of the Ukrainian energy system, will have a positive impact on the environment and the health of the population.It is determined that the development of solar energy in our country can be considered as the leader of innovations in the energy sector, as Ukraine offers attractive opportunities for international investors. Government policy in the field of solar energy contributes to the creation of a more decentralized, distributed, secure and sustainable electricity generation network.This will ensure the competitiveness of domestic and foreign markets.Originality. It is proved that the main goal of solar energy is to bring the energy industry of the country to a new high-quality level. Practical value. The introduction of high-energy and environmentally friendly energy sources into production processes will increase the efficiency of their work.Key words: solar energy; solar panels; energy resources; renewable energy sources; solar power plants; payback period of investments.