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Military Sociology and its Education in Türkiye: A Comparative Analysis
In: Sosyoloji dergisi: Journal of sociology, Volume 43, Issue 2, p. 197-221
ISSN: 2667-6931
The Withering Away of the Physician in Medical Sociology: Medicalization, Biomedicalization, and Pharmaceuticalization
In: Sosyoloji dergisi: Journal of sociology, Volume 43, Issue 2, p. 421-445
ISSN: 2667-6931
24 Haziran seçimleri: Yeni sistemin siyaseti ve sosyoloji ; 24th June elections: Politics and sociology of the new system
24 Haziran 2018'de gerçekleşen seçimler, 16 Nisan 2017 referandumunda kabul edilen Cumhurbaşkanlığı Hükümet Sisteminin hayata geçmesini sağlaması ve seçmenin oy verme davranışını etkileyecek pek çok yeni düzenleme içermesi dolayısıyla siyasi tarihimizin en önemli seçimlerinden biri olarak değerlendirilebilir. Seçimlerde, AK Parti ve MHP'den oluşan Cumhur ittifakı, Erdoğan'ı yeni sistemin ilk Cumhurbaşkanı seçtirmeyi ve yeni sistemi etkili işletmek üzere Meclis çoğunluğunu elde etmeyi hedeflerken, CHP, İYİ Parti ve SP'den oluşan Millet ittifakı ve HDP, Erdoğan'ı Cumhurbaşkanı seçtirmemeyi veya Meclis çoğunluğunu sağlayarak Cumhurbaşkanını Meclis üzerinden dengelemeyi hedefliyordu. Seçimler, Erdoğan'ın ilk turda Cumhurbaşkanı seçilmesi ve Cumhur ittifakının Meclis çoğunluğunu elde etmesiyle sonuçlandı. Bu çerçevede, yeni sisteme öncülük eden Cumhur ittifakı, sistemi hayata geçirme imkanı da yakalamış oldu. Bu makalede, seçimlerin siyasi bağlamını ortaya koymak üzere, 2007 Cumhurbaşkanlığı krizinden 24 Haziran seçimlerine kadar geçen sürede siyasetin geçirdiği kritik süreçleri ve bu süreçlerin siyasal sistem değişikliği üzerindeki etkileri tartışıldıktan sonra, seçimlerin kısa ve orta vadeli siyasi ve toplumsal sonuçlarına değinilecektir. ; The general and presidential elections of 24 June 2018 in Turkey were one of the most important elections in the modern history of the country in many ways. First of all, the elections were based on a series of new regulations that would shape the voters' attitudes. Also, the elections were a systemic prerequisite for the newly established presidential system to take effect, which had a national approval through 16 April 2017 referendum. The elections were also distinguished with the rare alliances it contained. The People's Alliance (Cumhur İttifakı) consisted in Erdoğan's Justice and Development Party (AK Parti) and Bahçeli's Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), and worked to bring Erdoğan to the office, to embrace and run the new system effectively. On the opposite side there were a coalition and a single party, the coalition naming itself Nation's Alliance (Millet İttifakı) and consisting in an alliance of Republican People's Party (CHP), Good Party (İYİ Parti) and Felicity Party (Saadet Partisi); while the People's Democratic Party (HDP) ran by itself. They came together to either oust Erdoğan in the running for president or at least gain the majority in the parliament to force a systemic balance over Erdoğan through the parliament. In this article, I will first elaborate on the critical political developments observed between what is known as the "2007 Presidential Crisis" and 24 June 2014 elections, along with their impact upon the changes in political system. Then, I will put forward some arguments on the possible political and social consequences of the 2018 elections in the short, medium and the long run.
In: Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü dergisi: Journal of Balkan Research Institute, Volume 11, Issue 2, p. 421-452
ISSN: 2147-1371
Yaklaşık iki yüz yıllık geçmişe sahip bir akademik disiplin olan sosyolojinin Türkiye'deki tarihi genellikle 1914 yılına dayandırılır. Dârülfünunda sosyoloji öğretimine başlandığı bu yıl, sosyolojinin kurumsallaşması açısından oldukça önemlidir. Ancak sosyolojik düşünce esas olarak Osmanlı düşünce dünyasına Tanzimat Dönemiyle birlikte nüfuz etmeye başlamıştır. Dağılmakta olan İmparatorlukta yaşanan toplumsal sorunların çözümünde önemli bir araç olarak görülen sosyoloji hızlıca benimsenmiş, farklı sosyolojik perspektifleri benimseyen farklı düşünce çevreleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu düşünce çevreleri arasında 1910-1912 yılları arasında Selanik'te bir araya gelen aydın zümresi, topluma dair yöntemli bir bilgi üretimi anlamında sosyoloji disiplinin ortaya çıkmasında önemli katkılar sunmuştur. Bu anlamda Selanik, entelektüel ortamıyla Türk sosyolojik düşüncesinin gelişmesinde önemli bir yere sahip olmakla birlikte, bu özelliğiyle yeterince ele alınmamıştır. Bu çerçevede; çalışma öncelikle Selanik kentini bir düşünce merkezi yapan sosyal, ekonomik ve politik özelliklerini ortaya koyarak kentteki entelektüel ortamı betimlemekte; ardından kentte bir araya gelen Selanik Çevresinin sosyoloji ilgisine odaklanarak bu bağlamda gelişen sosyolojik düşünceyi ele almaktadır.
Tarihsel Gelişim Süreci İçerisinde Türk Sosyolojisi
In: Sosyolojik bağlam dergisi: Journal of sociological context, Volume 2, Issue April 2021, p. 77-92
ISSN: 2757-5942
This study, which contributes to the studies on sociologists and their works, which have an important place in the studies of determining the history of Turkish sociology, was formed by the theoretical combination of visualization and the history of Turkish Sociology. Studies to create a timeline are studies that cover the events that are effective in a certain period and which can be considered as a turning point in the development of, and their effects on, sociology. The aim is to select the events that are effective in the development of sociology as the main determinants and to bring to the fore among many factors. The process of creating a timeline differs from the history of sociology and falls within the scope of sociology of History. The integrity of a large number of variables is emphasized without looking for any linearity or causality relationship in the timeline studies. The most important part of the studies on creating a historical timeline is the visualization phase. A link should be established using visualization between Turkish sociology and the digital world. Thus, the history of Turkish sociology can be passed on to future generations. In this sense, narration, understanding and interpretation are important steps to be taken in the construction of society. In addition, the topics covered in the study that shape Turkish sociology are the events and phenomena that affect the structuring in the world.
Sosyolojiye Çağrı: Sahayı Deneyimlemenin Düşünümselliği Üzerine
In: Sosyolojik bağlam dergisi: Journal of sociological context, Volume 2, Issue April 2021, p. 1-19
ISSN: 2757-5942
This study is concerned with the deciphering of the mental contacts that the students of the sociology department establish with sociology. The founding assumption of the study is to reach the "ghosts" created by sociology in the mind of the individual who is in contact with sociology. The concept of ghost refers to the shadows that sociology creates in the mind. This reference includes the mental patterns of the person after beginning their sociology education. In the data analysis of the study, the interpretive phenomenology approach was preferred. Research data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the participants. First and second-year sociology students who took the Introduction to Sociology and Applied Sociological Studies courses were selected as the sample in the study. In the study, it was aimed to stimulate the information that the participants learned before. During this stimulation, sociologist candidates' belief in sociological knowledge and experiencing how that knowledge can be used was considered as the stage of preparing the mind to depict the quality they attribute to sociology. The narratives have been produced directly related to the social sphere itself. It is aimed to present the ability of sociological knowledge to produce multiple perspectives inherently in narratives. The main concern in using this inclusion is to reveal the functionality of sociological knowledge in the minds of the participants and what it looks like. In this context, the participants were asked "What does sociology mean to you?". Participants were asked to draw a picture on an A4 paper. The pictures obtained were analyzed with the interpretive phenomenological analysis approach.
In: Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi
ISSN: 1309-9302
Security is one of the most basic needs of a society. The concept of security in general means protection from all kinds of dangers and accidents. On the other hand, the concept of security is broken down into more specific, clearer and more understandable components. The issue of security has been a subject to be examined by many sciences, especially sociology. Security, as a subject of study, in sociology has many different definitions, dimensions and elements. The sociology of security is still very young. Due to the lack of scientific wealth on this subject, some believe that security can be the subject of political sociology or the sociology of war. In sociological discussions, security is a subject to be examined at the level of society, in the relations between people (in the context of political and social relations). In this respect, security is based on social factors. Therefore, in this study, we will try to answer questions like "What is Security Sociology" and "What elements is it based on?".
Türk sağı: mitler, fetişler, düşman imgeleri
In: İletişim yayınları 1731
In: Araştırma - inceleme dizisi 289
Conservatism; Turkey; political sociology; 20th century
Mehmet Eröz armağanı
In: Yayın / Ötüken 909
In: Kültür serisi 478
Eröz, Mehmet; sociologist and historian; biography; Turkey; historical sociology
Değişmenin ve geçiş toplumunun sosyoloğu: Mübeccel B. Kıray
In: Bağlam yayınları 356
In: İnceleme - araştırma 247
Kıray, Mübeccel Belik; sociologist; Turkey; sociology and social change
Afetler Doğal Olmayabilir mi?: Afetlerin "Doğallığı" Üzerine Sosyolojik Bir Tartışma
In: Sosyoloji dergisi: Journal of sociology, Volume 44, Issue 2, p. 717-745
ISSN: 2667-6931
Üniversitelerde Sosyal Adalet Algısı Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması
In: Sosyoloji dergisi: Journal of sociology, Volume 44, Issue 2, p. 777-799
ISSN: 2667-6931
Orta Sınıfın Evsizlik Kaygısını Besleyen Konut Güvencesizliğinden Çıkış Senaryoları Üzerine Bir Deneme
In: Sosyoloji dergisi: Journal of sociology, Volume 44, Issue 2, p. 863-885
ISSN: 2667-6931