Within the semiotic approach to explaining human behavior, individual actions can be understood as signs expressing senses of other actions. Such an understanding makes it possible to combine the description of actions in the individual and systemic societal perspective. The individual sense of an action refers to a finite number of other actions given to a person both in consciousness and in bodily experience as a whole. Social senses link actions into a single chain and are extracted from the senses of previous actions. This model, while generally correct, is too abstract and requires a more detailed explanation of exactly how senses are extracted. The suggested possible explanation is that actions are mediated by situations in accordance with the formula of K. Lewin: the actual form of behavior is a function of the situation, understood as a set of properties of the acting person and her circumstances. The idea being expressed in the form of rules, according to which a typical form of behavior is performed by a person with a typical social status, being in a typical psychophysiological state and typical circumstances, gets a variant of the so-called "grammar of behavior", explicating innate predispositions and implicit rules of culture. The question of how to understand the forms of behavior and situations typical for a particular culture can be solved on the basis of the biosemantics of R. G. Millikan. They can be understood as natural conventions - such that two conditions are sufficient for their existence: that they reproduce, and that this reproduction be based on the weight of precedents. Conventional language constructs are understood in biosemantics as lineages of tokens that were copied from each other and copies of which were used for repeated solutions to the same problem. They may have appeared by accident, but they survive and proliferate due to the performance of a vital function. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the absolute majority of people conform to these conventions, just as the conventions do not have to be explicit prescriptions. Ideas about what forms of behavior are most appropriate in a given situation cannot be the same for different people, but this does not prevent the proliferation of conventional behavior.
Attitudes towards various manifestations of human sexual behavior remain one of the actual legal and medical problems for both society and specialists. About forty years ago medical and moral understanding of the norm of sexual behavior was universal and unambiguous, but this situation has changed significantly over the past decades. In some societes, the principle of the so-called social homonormativity – the understanding of same-sex sexual behavior and self-identification as a form of medical and moral norms – has been institutionalized. In societies in which the understanding of the norm of sexual behavior is not based on homonormativity, some political movements and organizations actively pursue their goals to such a change in medical, moral and legal principles, which consolidates any forms of social activity based on homonormativity. One of the claims used by these movements is the assertion that "homosexuality is a kind of norm for humans, because it is common among more than 1500 species of animals". The pitfall with this statement is that it is based on the anthropomorphic interpretation of animal behavior, as well as on the selective transfer of the phenomena of the animal world to human life. In this review article, the authors consistently disprove all aspects of the application of the claim that "homosexual behavior is prevalent in the animal kingdom" in a discussion on the topic of same-sex human behavior. Interpretation of the observed cases of same-sex behavior in animals to assess any medical, moral or legal normativity of the same-sex behavior in human beings is biased, it avoids other forms of non-productive behavior of animals, which, within an anthropomorphic interpretation, can be used as phenomena that justify human incest, child abuse or bestiality.
В статье исследуется природа иррационального поведения человека. Она рассматривается авторами как одна из форм проявления амбивалентной природы духовности. Иррациональное, нелогичное поведение личности определяется в современной философии соразмерностью человека и духовной реальности. Авторы приходят к выводу, что иррациональное поведение личности в обществе связано с возвращением духовности в горизонт повседневности. The article explores the nature of human irrational behavior. It is considered by the authors as one of the forms of manifestation of the ambivalent nature of spirituality. The irrational, illogical behavior of a person is determined in modern philosophy by the proportionality of man and spiritual reality. The authors conclude that the irrational behavior of the individual in society is associated with the return of spirituality to the horizon of everyday life.
Human behavior in the face of new challenges of changing economic reality is of interest not only to Economics, but also to other social Sciences. In this regard, the question of creating a universal human model as a tool for interpreting and predicting behavior remains open. The article analyzes the formation of human model in the economy comparing neoclassical and alternative approaches. The purpose of the work is to identify the possibilities of methodological development of the model not only as a tool for analyzing economic phenomena and processes, but also as an independent object of knowledge. The results of the study show that drawing on the interdisciplinary approach of new institutional Economics, behavioral Economics, and social Sciences, you may perform a more profound study of behavioral assumptions, including an appeal to the motivational component of behavior, which expands the explanatory power of the model. The findings can be used both for promising theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of an individual as an economic entity, and for solving practical problems.
В данной статье исследуется усилившаяся острота взаимодействия субъекта и объекта, «Я» и «не-Я», которая ставит в затруднительное положение процесс развития самой информации и информационной культуры в современном системном и сложном мире. Человек при этом призван к тому, чтобы иметь мужество для познания скрытых, экзистенциальных пластов социального знания, которое отличается от простой информации, которая не учит думать и отличается от знания слабыми связями между социальными корпускулами. This article explores the intensified severity of the subject-object, "Me"-"not-Me" interaction, which puts in a difficult position the process of development of the information itself and of the informational culture in the modern systemic and complex world. A person thus is called to have the courage to explore the hidden, existential layers of the social knowledge, which differs from simple information, does not teach thinking and differs from knowledge by weak connections between the social corpuscles.
Введение. В статье подчеркнута значимость изучения психологии деструктивного поведения человека в условиях экономического кризиса. Рассмотрены понятия деструктивность и деструктивное поведение . Представлен теоретический анализ научных подходов (наследственный и социокультурный) к пониманию деструктивного поведения взарубежной и отечественной психологии в работах Ч.Ломброзо, З.Фрейда, Э.Кречмера, У.Шелдона, К.Лоренца, Э.Дюркгейма, Р.Мертона, Э.Фрома, С.Л.Рубинштейна, Л.С.Выготского, А.Н.Леонтьева, В.Н.Мясищева, Б.В.Зейгарник, Ц.П.Короленко, Т.А.Донских, И.В.Лысак, Ю.А.Клейберга. В статье обоснована актуальность деструктивного поведения человека. Представлен аналитический обзор основных идей зарубежных и отечественных учёных, атакже современных исследователей. Цель статьи изучить научные подходы кпониманию деструктивного поведения личности в зарубежной и отечественной психологии. Результаты и обсуждение. Изучены и раскрыты некоторые основные подходы кпониманию деструктивного поведения личности в зарубежной и отечественной психологии. Рассмотрены понятия психологии деструктивности. Заключение. Существующие теории деструктивности человека можно разделить на две группы. К первой группе можно отнести труды учёных, которые исследовали наследственные и биологические факторы деструктивности. Ко второй группе можно отнести исследования социокультурного фактора деструктивного поведения. Основные положения: определена значимость изучения деструктивного поведения человека в условиях экономического кризиса раскрыты понятия деструктивность и деструктивное поведение различных авторов, исследующих данную проблему проанализированы некоторые научные подходы к пониманию деструктивного поведения в зарубежной и отечественной психологии. Introduction. The article emphasizes the importance of studying the psychology of destructive human behavior in the economic crisis. The concepts of destructiveness and destructive behavior are considered. The article presents the theoretical analysis of scientific approaches (genetic and sociocultural) to understand destructive behavior in foreign and national psychology in the works ofC.Lombroso, Freud, E. Kretschmer, W. Sheldon, K. Lorenz, E. Durkheim, R. Merton, E. Frome, S.L.Rubinstein, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, V.N. Myasishchev, B.V. Zeigarnik, T.P. Korolenko, T.A.Donskikh, V.I. Lysak, A. Kleiberg. The article substantiates the relevance of destructive human behavior. An analytical review of the main ideas of foreign and domestic scientists and modern researchers is presented. Thepurpose of the article is to study the scientific approaches to understanding the destructive behavior of the individual in foreign and domestic psychology. Results and discussion. Investigated and disclosed some of the major approaches tounderstanding destructive behavior of the individual in foreign and domestic psychology. Theconcepts of thepsychology of destructiveness are considered. Conclusion. Existing theories of human destructiveness can be divided into two groups. The first group includes the works of scientists who have studied hereditary and biological factors ofdestructiveness. The second group includes studies of the sociocultural factor of destructive behavior. Highlights: The importance of studying destructive human behavior in the conditions of economic crisis isdetermined Reveals the concept of destructive and destructive behavior by different authors, investigate the problem Some scientific approaches to understanding destructive behavior in foreign and domestic psychology are analyzed.
German-Austrian cultural studies at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries are characterized by a "new interest" in medieval preaching. If earlier it was studied by theology, literary criticism, linguistics and history as a document fixing the status quo, the existing state of affairs in a particular area - ethical norms, genre features, functioning features (pragmatics), grammatical forms and evidence of events - now preaching explored in its orientation to the future, as a genre within which promising models of behavior are developed.
Глава посвящена рассмотрению вопроса о влиянии городского ландшафта и городской среды на поведение человека в Средние века. Именно благодаря особенностям городской жизни — скученности, плотной застройке, не дававшей возможности вести вполне уединённую жизнь, зависимости от мнения соседей, строго следящих за жизнью каждого члена общества; необходимости эмоциональной разрядки в играх и других развлечениях, из которых одни требовали больших пространств, и поэтому порой приобретали странные формы, другие же, такие как таверны и публичные дома, как раз благодаря своей востребованности становились не только центрами проведения досуга и социализации, но и криминальным местом, куда стекались люди различных социальных групп — варварское в людях получало выход в виде сверхагрессивных поступков, вплоть до убийств. The chapter is devoted to the consideration of the issue of the influence of the urban landscape and urban environment on human behavior in the Middle Ages. It is due to the peculiarities of urban life — crowding, dense development, which did not allow for a completely secluded life, dependence on the opinion of neighbors, strictly monitoring the life of each member of society; the need of emotional release in games and other entertainment, some of which required large spaces, and therefore sometimes acquired strange forms, while others, such as taverns and brothels, precisely due to their demand, became not only the centers of socialization and leisure, but also a criminal place where people of various social groups flocked to — the barbaric in people found an outlet in the form of super-aggressive actions, including murder.
The academic research in the area of service marketing generally assumes friendly or neutral context of the encounters between employees and customers while providing or consuming the product. Recently, however, scholars are witnessing a new notion, namely 'Dark Side of Marketing' (DSM) which entails an increasing stream of pertinent publications in the literature. DSM is a complex yet multifaceted notion and refers to adverse effects of marketing paradigm implementation for humans, businesses and environment. Deviant behavior is a notable phenomenon pertinent to the nature of DSM, as it is mostly examined in relevant studies in comparison with other DSM manifestations. Deviant behavior is also emphasized in DSM studies because of its definitely negative impact on customer satisfaction, loyalty, WOM and, ultimately, on business performance metrics. To date, there is no DSM studies completed in the context of the Russian service industry as literature witnesses although this research question bears an apparent relevance for local business. This paper is destined to bridge this gap by defining the deviant behavior antecedents and gauging their consequences for marketing actors at the servicescape. The research results are based on empirical study of data collected from n=133 sample and on the analysis with utilization of Structural Equitation Modeling (SEM) method.
This article argues that corruption in Russia is a systemic issue, which continues to broaden its boundaries, presenting a threat to national security. The problem requires careful attention from modern scientific circles. From a psychological point of view, corruption suppresses one's subjective wellbeing, twists young people's legal awareness, and breeds such a worldview that might negatively influence the behavior of youth in the future. All of the above is quite important to sociology, for in many ways it determines an entire range of social processes, including processes associated with the country's socio-economic development. The pilot section of the study examines young people's ideas on corruption and its social manifestations. The authors discovered that college students consider corruption to be a serious socio-economic issue, while being able to describe many forms in which it manifests, the reasons for why it's spreading, as well as counteraction methods (economic, administrative, criminal law-based), though their understanding of its social ramifications is somewhat lacking. Students also separate social (exterior) and personal (interior) factors of corrupt behavior. It was determined that their perception of corrupt behavior bears a range of contradictions, associated with the respondents' low level of legal expertise, which becomes evident while identifying crimes of corruption, with it in turn leading to mistaken assessments of the specifics of corrupt interactions between citizens. Also, students' ideas on corruption mostly reflect the everyday aspect, since young people don't usually have a comprehensive understanding of administrative, or "upper echelon" corruption. The results show that the evaluations of a corrupt individual's main personal qualities tend to bear a negative connotation. Meanwhile the most pronounced values are linked to a low evaluation of a corrupt person's moral qualities. The organizational and professional capabilities of corrupt officials are viewed by respondents as weakly or moderately pronounced, however a corrupt individual's intellectual capacity tends to receive the highest score possible. The scores attributed to their communicative competence also seem to be contradictory: students in equal measure highlight both positive-to-neutral and negative traits of corrupt persons. The study also revealed marked regional discrepancies in ideas on corruption when comparing the responses given by students from various Russian cities. According to the authors, the ideas on the human qualities of corrupt officials expressed by students from different regions require separate examination.
Введение. Изучение внутренней картины болезни (ВКБ) пациентов соматического профиля вызвано тем, что соматическое заболевание связано с совпадающим поведением, качеством жизни, приверженностью лечению, прогнозом и исходом заболеваний. ВКБ позволяет понять пути преодоления, регуляции поведения пациентов в ситуации болезни, что позволяет разработать мероприятия психологической коррекции. Целью исследования является теоретическое обоснование и эмпирическое выявление связи внутренней картины болезни со стратегиями совпадающего поведения, с приверженностью лечения, качеством жизни пациентов соматического профиля. Материалы и методы. Основные этапы исследования: поисково-подготовительный, опытно-экспериментальный, контрольно-обобщающий. Методический инструментарий: теоретический — анализ, синтез, обобщение, целеполагание; эмпирический — тестирование, констатирующий эксперимент с использованием психодиагностических методик «Личностный опросник Бехтеревского института» (ЛОБИ), опросник «Способы совпадающего поведения» (Р. Лазарус, С. Фолкман, адаптация НИПНИ, 2009), опросник «Уровень комплаентности» (Р. В. Кадыров, О. Б. Асриян, С. А. Ковальчук), методика Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗКЖ-100). В исследовании приняли участие 60 пациентов соматического профиля в возрасте от 34 до 60 лет. Исследование проводилось в ЧУЗ «Клиническая больница «РЖД-Медицина» города Киров». Результаты. Исследование по методике «Личностный опросник Бехтеревского института (ЛОБИ)» показало преимущественно сенситивный тип. Из результатов исследования совпадающего поведения по опроснику «Способы совпадающего поведения» (Л. Лазарус, С. Фолкман) следует, что наиболее выраженными способами совладающего поведения пациентов являются дистанцирование и поиск социальной поддержки. Из результатов исследования по опроснику качества жизни ВОЗ (ВОЗКЖ-100) видно, что у пациентов повышенный уровень психологической сферы, независимости, духовности, средний уровень физической сферы, сферы «окружающая среда», социальных отношений, оценки восприятия жизни пациентов соматического профиля. Общее качество жизни имеет повышенный уровень. Результаты исследования по опроснику «Уровень комплаентности» (Р.В. Кадыров, О.Б. Асриян, С.А. Ковальчук) показали средневыраженный уровень социальной, эмоциональной, поведенческой и высокий уровень общей комплаентности у пациентов соматического профиля. Обсуждение. Полученные результаты подтверждают данные, отмечаемые в современных исследованиях, о том, как реагирует человек на болезнь и как это отражается на его поведении, качестве жизни и приверженности болезни. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о необходимости составления и проведения программы психокоррекции, направленной на формирование адаптивных способов совладающего поведения и гармоничного типа отношения к болезни у пациентов соматического профиля с учетом особенностей. Сказанное согласуется с исследованиями отечественных и зарубежных авторов, в которых говорится о том, что при заболеваниях происходят изменения в ВКБ, которые связаны с процессами приспособления к болезни, жизненным ситуациям и могут повлиять на взаимодействие между врачом и пациентом. Установлены связи разной силы и направленности ВКБ с совладающим поведением, качеством жизни и приверженностью лечения у пациентов соматического профиля. Заключение. Полученные результаты исследования позволили установить наличие связей типов отношения к болезни с совладающим поведением, качеством жизни и приверженностью лечения у пациентов соматического профиля. Именно на эти связи следует обратить внимание при составлении психокоррекционной программы. Ключевые слова: внутренняя картина болезни; совладающее поведение; качество жизни; приверженность лечению; пациенты соматического профиля. Основные положения: – при определении отношения больного к своему заболеванию важно учитывать осознанность болезни. Больные могут полностью или частично осознавать свое заболевание, но не понимать его тяжести и возможных последствий; – личностные реакции и ВКБ играют важную роль в поведении больных и влияют на течение болезни. Они тесно связаны с качеством жизни и приверженностью лечению. Introduction. The study of the internal picture of the disease (Internal Picture of Disease) of somatic patients is due to the fact that somatic disease is associated with the same behavior, quality of life, adherence to treatment, prognosis and outcome of diseases. Internal Picture of Disease allows us to understand ways to overcome and regulate the behavior of patients in a situation of illness, which allows us to develop measures of psychological correction. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and empirically identify the connection between the internal picture of the disease and strategies of matching behavior, adherence to treatment, and the quality of life of somatic patients. Materials and Methods. The main stages of the study: search and preparatory, experimental, control and generalization. Methodological tools: theoretical - analysis, synthesis, generalization, goal setting; empirical - testing, establishing an experiment using psychodiagnostic methods "Personality Questionnaire of the Bekhterev Institute", questionnaire "Methods of matching behavior" (R. Lazarus, S. Folkman, adaptation of Research Psychoneurological Institute, 2009), questionnaire "Level of Compliance" (R. V. Kadyrov, O. B. Asriyan, S. A. Kovalchuk), methodology of the World Health Organization (WHO-100). The study involved 60 somatic patients aged 34 to 60 years. The study was conducted at the Clinical Hospital «Russian Railways-Medicine" in the city of Kirov. Results. A study using the Personality Questionnaire of the Bekhterev Institute showed a predominantly sensitive type. From the results of a study of coping behavior using the questionnaire "Methods of coping behavior" (L. Lazarus, S. Folkman) it follows that the most pronounced methods of coping behavior of patients are distancing and seeking social support. From the results of the study on the WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQL-100), it is clear that patients have an increased level of the psychological sphere, independence, spirituality, an average level of the physical sphere, the "environment" sphere, social relations, and assessment of the perception of life of somatic patients. The overall quality of life is improved. The results of the study using the "Level of Compliance" questionnaire (R.V. Kadyrov, O.B. Asriyan, S.A. Kovalchuk) showed a moderate level of social, emotional, behavioral and a high level of general compliance in somatic patients. Discussion. The results obtained confirm the data noted in modern research about how a person reacts to the disease and how this affects his behavior, quality of life and adherence to the disease. The results obtained indicate the need to draw up and implement a psychocorrection program aimed at developing adaptive methods of coping behavior and a harmonious type of attitude towards the disease in somatic patients, taking into account their characteristics. The above is consistent with studies by domestic and foreign authors, which indicate that during diseases, changes occur in the internal picture of disease, which are associated with the processes of adaptation to the disease, life situations and can affect the interaction between the doctor and the patient. Connections of varying strength and direction of internal picture of disease with coping behavior, quality of life and adherence to treatment in somatic patients have been established. Conclusion. The results of the study made it possible to establish the presence of connections between the types of attitudes towards the disease and coping behavior, quality of life and adherence to treatment in somatic patients. It is these connections that you should pay attention to when drawing up a psychocorrection program. Keywords: Internal picture of the disease; Coping behavior; Quality of life; Adherence to treatment; Somatic patients. Highlights: When determining the patient's attitude towards his disease, it is important to take into account the awareness of the disease. Patients may be fully or partially aware of their disease, but not understand its severity and possible consequences; Personal reactions and internal picture of disease play an important role in the behavior of patients and influence the course of the disease. They are closely related to quality of life and treatment adherence.
This article reviews the ideas and motives of modern terrorism, discloses the concept of destructive human behavior, the analysis of the socio-cultural situation at the beginning of the XXI century and revealed disturbing factors intensify nationalist and religious terrorism as the most dangerous form of terrorism.
This article discusses the evolutionary prerequisites for the formation of the concept of justice, as well as some of its attributive characteristics found in animals. Evolutionary ethics managed to rapidly establish itself as a branch of evolutionary theory. Charles Darwin already believed that our moral behavior was at least partially of a pre-rational nature. By the second half of the 20th century, a demand for the justification of prosocial behaviorin terms of evolutionary benefits had finally emerged. Hypothetical constructions, such as mutual altruism and moralistic aggression, have found empirical evidence in the works of S. Brosnan and F. de Waal and raised the question of their possible definition as a prototype of our ideas aboutjustice and fairness. A number of observations and experiments with non-human primatessubsequently confirmed thatthe concepts ofreciprocal altruism and moralistic aggression may be applicable to them. This in turn raised the question of whether we can say that the notions of justice in humans and non-human primates are homologous. In the case of atleast a partially positive answer, this raises the question of how our moral contracts can be modernized according to this knowledge. This paper provides a critical analysis of moral realism on naturalistic groundsin the works of S. Harris and R. Boyd and discusses possible alternativesto it. Societies are heterogeneous in their perceptions of justice, and culture has a strong organizing influence on moral perceptions, butthis does not make evolutionary ethics worthless. Ken Binmore's evolutionary game theory is proposed as a means of resolving moral realist contradictions found in evolutionary ethics. Based on this framework, Binmore offers a way to modernize our moral contracts.
The research is focused on determining the factors influencing the formation of the types of financial behavior of economic entities. Determining the types of economic entities' financial behavior is necessary for implementing state economic policy measures. The subject of the study is the types of financial behavior reflecting the propensity of an economic entity to perform economic operations. Entities may exhibit active, adaptive, and reactive financial behaviors. The purpose of the work is to determine the key factors that influence the formation of types of financial behavior of economic entities. The study suggests that the formation of financial behavior types is caused by the influence of human, social and financial capital. The formation of financial behavior types is influenced by the basic characteristics associated with age, perception of the external environment, etc. The significance of certain factors is assessed using statistical analysis. The combination of these factors has a different impact on the formation of the type of financial behavior of an economic entity, but they can be significant under certain external conditions related to the economic situation. Because of the significance of individual factors, all economic entities form 'yadernye' (core) groups demonstrating a certain type of financial behavior, as well as groups of entities that change the type of financial behavior depending on the influence of the external environment. The change in financial behavior types is associated with a change in the strength of the impact of various factors that need to be considered in the dynamics. Entities with an active type of financial behavior, whose actions transform the external environment and stimulate other categories of entities to commit economic actions, are of significant interest for the analysis. The latter is especially actual for the financial market when entities with a reactive type of behavior under the influence of the information background commit rash actions leading them to financial losses. Based on the available sociological data, the study examines the main factors that lead to the formation of an active type of financial behavior. As a result of the construction of the econometric model, the authors conclude that the amount of available funds, the age of the respondent, the level of professional competence have a significant impact on the formation of an active type of financial behavior. ; Исследование ориентировано на выявление факторов, влияющих на формирование типов финансового поведения экономических субъектов. Определение типов финансового поведения экономических субъектов необходимо для принятия решений государственными органами при разработке мер экономической политики. Предметом исследования являются типы финансового поведения, отражающие склонность экономического субъекта к совершению хозяйственных операций. В своей деятельности субъекты могут демонстрировать активный, адаптивный и реактивный типы финансового поведения. Целью работы является определение ключевых факторов, влияющих на формирование типов финансового поведения экономических субъектов. Авторы выдвигают предположение, что формирование типов финансового поведения обусловлено воздействием человеческого, социального и финансового капиталов. Также на формирование типов финансового поведения оказывают воздействие базовые характеристики, связанные с возрастом, восприятием внешней среды и т.д. Оценка значимости определенных факторов проводится с помощью статистических методов анализа. Совокупность указанных факторов в конкретный момент времени имеет различное воздействие на формирование типа финансового поведения экономического субъекта, однако они могут быть значимыми при определенных внешних условиях, связанных с экономической ситуацией. Из-за существования различий в значимости отдельных факторов все экономические субъекты образуют «ядерные» группы, демонстрирующие определенный тип финансового поведения, а также группы субъектов, которые меняют тип финансового поведения в зависимости от влияния внешней среды. Изменение типов финансового поведения связано с изменением силы воздействия различных факторов, которые необходимо учитывать в динамике. Существенный интерес для анализа представляют субъекты с активным типом финансового поведения, чьи действия трансформируют внешнюю среду и стимулируют другие категории субъектов к совершению экономических действий. Последнее особенно ощущается на финансовом рынке, когда субъекты с реактивным типом финансового поведения под воздействием информационного фона совершают необдуманные действия, приводящие их к потере дохода. На основе доступных социологических данных рассмотрены основные факторы, формирующие активный тип финансового поведения. В результате построения эконометрической модели сделан вывод, что объем доступных денежных средств, возраст респондента, уровень профессиональной компетенции оказывают существенное воздействие на формирование активного типа финансового поведения.