
212594 Ergebnisse


Open Access#2107212017

The Education and its Deformations in the Contemporary Culture: a Contribution to the Actuality Theodor W. Adorno's Theory of Half-education ; Освіта та її деформації у сучасній культурі: до актуальності теорії напівосвіти Т. Адорно у сучасних соціокультурних контекстах


Open Access#2107222017

Cortical abnormalities in bipolar disorder: an MRI analysis of 6503 individuals from the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group

Hibar, DP; Westlye, LT; Doan, NT; Jahanshad, N; Cheung, JW; Ching, CRK; Versace, A; Bilderbeck, AC; Uhlmann, A; Mwangi, B; Krämer, B; Overs, B; Hartberg, CB; Abé, C; Dima, D; Grotegerd, D; Sprooten, E; Bøen, E; Jimenez, E; Howells, FM; Delvecchio, G; Temmingh, H; Starke, J; Almeida, JRC; Goikolea, JM; Houenou, J; Beard, LM; Rauer, L; Abramovic, L; Bonnin, M; Ponteduro, MF; Keil, M; Rive, MM; Yao, N; Yalin, N; Najt, P; Rosa, PG; Redlich, R; Trost, S; Hagenaars, S; Fears, SC; Alonso-Lana, S; van Erp, TGM; Nickson, T; Chaim-Avancini, TM; Meier, TB; Elvsåshagen, T; Haukvik, UK; Lee, WH; Schene, AH; Lloyd, AJ; Young, AH; Nugent, A; Dale, AM; Pfennig, A; McIntosh, AM; Lafer, B; Baune, BT; Ekman, CJ; Zarate, CA; Bearden, CE; Henry, C; Simhandl, C; McDonald, C; Bourne, C; Stein, DJ; Wolf, DH; Cannon, DM; Glahn, DC; Veltman, DJ; Pomarol-Clotet, E; Vieta, E; Canales-Rodriguez, EJ; Nery, FG; Duran, FLS; Busatto, GF; Roberts, G; Pearlson, GD; Goodwin, GM; Kugel, H; Whalley, HC; Ruhe, HG; Soares, JC; Fullerton, JM; Rybakowski, JK; Savitz, J; Chaim, KT; Fatjó-Vilas, M; Soeiro-de-Souza, MG; Boks, MP; Zanetti, MV; Otaduy, MCG; Schaufelberger, MS; Alda, M; Ingvar, M; Phillips, ML; Kempton, MJ; Bauer, M; Landén, M; Lawrence, NS; van Haren, NEM; Horn, NR; Freimer, NB; Gruber, O; Schofield, PR; Mitchell, PB; Kahn, RS; Lenroot, R; Machado-Vieira, R; Ophoff, RA; Sarró, S; Frangou, S; Satterthwaite, TD; Hajek, T; Dannlowski, U; Malt, UF; Arolt, V; Gattaz, WF; Drevets, WC; Caseras, X; Agartz, I; Thompson, PM; Andreassen, OA


Open Access#2107232016

The Gaia mission


Open Access#2107242015



Open Access#2107252015

Interstices Issue 16: The urban thing CFP


Open Access#2107262015

L'agroforesterie, un outil "carbone" pour les PCET - Mettre en place une démarche d'agroforesterie sur le territoire d'un PCET


Open Access#2107272014

QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives


Open Access#2107282014

The Survey of the Role of Humans' Risk Factors in the Severity of Road Traffic Injuries on Urban and Rural Roads ; بررسی نقش عوامل خطر انسانی در شدت سوانح ترافیکی در راه های درون و برون شهری کشور


Open Access#2107292014

Crecimiento económico y Estado de Derecho en los últimos 15 años: Una relación inversa



Schulen und Hochschulen in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1949 - 1989


Open Access#2107312013

DOS PROBLEMAS PARA ALCANZAR EL DESARROLLO: Middle Income Trap y Middle Institutional Trap - Parte I


Open Access#2107322013

An Analysis of the Creation of Chronology and Genealogy of the Inca Dynasty in a Selection of Early Peruvian Chronicles

In: Doctoral thesis, UCL (University College London).


Open Access#2107332011

El lado oscuro de Google: Historia y futuro de la industria de los metadatos


Open Access#2107342011

Data envelopment analysis: uncertainty, undesirable outputs and an application to world cement industry



Einflussfaktoren von gewerblichen Händlern auf das Konsumverhalten bei Online-Auktionen am Beispiel von Ebay

In: Bachelorarbeit