
1728 Ergebnisse


Blogbeitrag#166610. November 2023

In our lurch toward war in three places, who exactly will fight?

Blog: Responsible Statecraft

Open Access#16672021

Alternative sources of energy as marine fuels; the effect on the environment and the financial perspectives for a more sustainable future in the shipping industry


Open Access#16682021

Commande de convertisseurs pour un système électrique à forte intégration d'énergies renouvelables ; Converter control in a power system with high penetration of renewable energy


Open Access#16692020

North in the head: spatial reference frame and map orientation


Open Access#16702020

North in the head: spatial reference frame and map orientation


Open Access#16712015

Estrategias político formativas y de investigación para el ingreso a la Facultad de Psicología


Open Access#16722012

Quality-driven model-based design of multi-processor accelerators : an application to LDPC decoders

In: Jan , Y 2012 , ' Quality-driven model-based design of multi-processor accelerators : an application to LDPC decoders ' , Doctor of Philosophy , Electrical Engineering , Eindhoven .


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#167330. März 2021

Strategic priorities of social production digitalization: world experience

In: Ekonomičnyj visnyk universytetu: zbirnyk naukovych pracʹ učenych ta aspirantiv = Ėkonomičeskij vestnik universiteta : sbornik naučnych trudov učenych i aspirantov = University economic bulletin : collection of scientific articles of scientists and post-graduate students, Heft 48, S. 40-55

ISSN: 2414-3774

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#16742016

Prospettive di riforma ed evoluzione dell'università italiana (1946-1982) ; Reform prospects and evolution of Italian University (1946-1982)


Open Access#16752016

Regional economic integration and development: A theoretical and empirical conceptualization with particular focus on the East African Community


Blogbeitrag#16764. Januar 2024

Ein wirkmächtiger Think Tank

Blog: Blog Feed

Open Access#16772021

Mechanical integrity of ceramic-metal composite materials: Influence of microstructure and processing route


Open Access#16782018

Der Deutsche Garten: Die Konstruktion eines nationalen Gartenstils am Beispiel sächsischer Gartenanlagen (1750–1830)


Open Access#16792018

Integrated Analysis of the Value of Wetland Services in Coastal Adaptation; Methodology and Case Study of Hampton-Seabrook Estuary, New Hampshire



Nepastovus posovietines ukrainos politinis rezimas ir demokratijos konsolidavimo perspektyvos

In: Politologija, Heft 1, S. 28-70

ISSN: 1392-1681

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft