
La politica de seguridad fronteriza de Estados Unidos: estrategias e impactos binacionales

In: Foro internacional: revista trimestral, Band 44, Heft 4, S. 613-634

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


This article delves into the domestic security policy of the U.S. federal government, stressing its border security proposal and some of its impacts on the Mexican border, especially the Tijuana/San Diego relationship. This article delves into the domestic security policy of the U.S. federal government, stressing its border security proposal and some of its impacts on the Mexican border, especially the Tijuana/San Diego relationship. This boundary is considered one of the main crossing spots, in commercial, drug-trafficking, and migration terms. The author argues that the U.S. governement's purpose - attaining a balance between security priorities, and expediting transnational flows (of people, goods, and services) - will not be likely accomplished in the medium term due to factors related to the U.S. bureaucratic policy and the weight ascribed to the security policy.

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