Open Access BASE2010

The Attitudes of a Sample of Members of Civil Societies Towards Political Participation in Jordan


This study aims to explore the attitudes of a sample of members of civil societies in Jordan towards political participation, with respect to the actual presence of democratic indicators in the political scene in Jordan, major reasons behind political non-participation, and means to enhance political participation. It is, also, to investigate what effects demographic variables such as sex and party membership have on these attitudes. To achieve these objectives, a questionnaire was developed and distributed to a strata sample selected from all the twelve governorates in the country composed of (14675) cases, of which only (3553) cases were considered for this study since their respondents were members in civil societies. Appropriate statistical analyses showed positive correlation between the above mentioned variables and respondents' attitudes towards political participation. In general, the results revealed negative attitudes of respondents towards political participation, and their belief that the government of Jordan is not serious about countering corruption and repotism. It is also found that in spite of government attempts towards democratic reforms, people are still unwilling to participate in political activities due to many reasons, the most important of which are: fear from measures used by security forces, the concentration of political activities in the capital, the weak application of measures of equal opportunities, and the weak transparency of the transfer of power. In the light of its findings, the study offers a number of recommendations which might enhance political participation, the most important of which are: improving institutionalism, and the application of measures of equal opportunities in political and administrative recruitments. In addition, it is very important that the government assures the transparency of transfer of power, and establishes public relation programs capable of diminishing people's fear of measures used by security forces .




Deanship of Academic Research, The University of Jordan

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