Open Access BASE2016

Assessment and self-assessment of the pharmacists' competencies using the global competency framework (GbCF) in Serbia ; Ocena i samoocena kompetencija farmaceuta u Srbiji korišćenjem globalnog okvira kompetencija


Background/Aim. Pharmacists' competence represents a dynamic framework of knowledge, skills and abilities to carry out tasks, and it reflects on improving the quality of life and on patients' health. One of the documents for the Evaluation and Competency Development of Pharmacists is the Global Competency Framework (GbCF). The aim of this study was to implement the GBCF document into Serbian pharmacies, to perform assessment and self assessment of the competencies. Methods. The assessment and self-assessment of pharmacists' competencies were performed during the period 2012-13 year in eight community pharmacy chains, in seven cities in Serbia. For assessment and self-assessment of pharmacists competencies the GbCF model was applied, which was adjusted to pharmaceutical practice and legislation in Serbia. External assessment was conducted by teams of pharmacists using the structured observation of the work of pharmacists during regular working hours. Evaluated pharmacists filled out the questionnaire about demographic indicators about the pharmacist and the pharmacy where they work. Results. A total of 123 pharmacists were evaluated. Pharmacists' Professional Competency Cluster (KK1) had the lowest score (average value 2.98), while the cluster Management and Organizational Competency (KK2) had the highest score (average value 3.15). The competence Recognition of the Diagnosis and Patient Counseling (K8), which belonged to the cluster KK1, had the lowest score (average value for assessment and self-assessment were 2.09, and 2.34, respectively) among the all evaluated competencies. Conclusion. GbCF might be considered as an instrument for the competencies' evaluation/self-evaluation and their improvement, accordingly. ; Uvod/Cilj. Kompetencije farmaceuta predstavljaju dinamični okvir i obuhvataju znanja, veštine i sposobnosti da se izvrše zadaci sa ciljem unapređenja kvaliteta života i zdravlja bolesnika. Jedan od dokumenata za ocenu i razvoj kompetencija farmaceuta je globalni okvir stručnosti - Global Competence Framework (GbCF). Cilj ovog rada bio je primena GbCF u apotekama u Srbiji i ocena i samoocena kompetencije farmaceuta. Metode. U periodu 2012-2013. godine izvršena je ocena i samoocena kompetencije farmaceuta u osam apotekarskih lanaca iz sedam gradova u Srbiji. Za ocenu i samoocenu stručnosti farmaceuta primenjen je model GbCF, prilagođen praksi i zakonodavstvu u Srbiji. Eksternu ocenu izvršili su timovi farmaceuta kroz strukturiranu opservaciju (upotrebom GbCF dokumenta) kompetencija farmaceuta tokom radnog vremena. Ocenjivani farmaceuti su popunili i upitnik o demografskim pokazateljima koji su se odnosili na podatke o samom farmaceutu i apoteci u kojoj radi. Rezultati. Ocenjena su ukupno 123 farmaceuta. Najviša ocena kompetencija farmaceuta zabeležena je za skup 'Upravljanje i organizacija' (KK2) (srednja vrednost 3,15), dok je skup 'Stručno znanje' (KK1) (srednja vrednost 2,98) ocenjen najnižom ocenom. Kompetencija K8 - 'Prepoznavanje dijagnoze i savetovanje bolesnika', koje pripadaju skupu KK1, imale su najniži skor (srednja vrednost u proceni i samoproceni iznosila je 2,09 i 2,34, respektivno) posmatrajući sve, kompetencije. Zaključak. Dokument za ocenu i razvoj kompetencija farmaceuta GbCF može služiti kao instrument za ocenu/samoocenu kompetencije, a samim tim i za njihovo poboljšanje.

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