Open Access BASE2021

Promoting labour standards through the European neighbourhood policy


This study examines the effectiveness of the EU's efforts to improve labour standards among its neighbouring countries through its market integration-based regulatory governance approach. We consider the European Neighbourhood Policy as a critical case for assessing the prospects and limitations of the EU's broader agenda to promote non-trade related policy objectives through its trade policy. Using a combination of regression and comparative analysis (in Moldova and Morocco), we show that upgrading in conditionality, assistance and dialogue can contribute to improvements in labour standards, albeit with significant shortcomings. In the absence of greater EU commitment towards strengthening domestic institutions, engaging labour organizations and adopting a problemsolving approach, EU-led improvements on the books will not result in changes on the ground. Even formal changes will be restricted to areas that are compatible with other major EU policy objectives, such as market integration, political and human rights. In this context, improvements at the implementation level have been facilitated to some extent by supplementary initiatives by labour organizations, albeit within the constraints of weak state capacity. ; "The project leading to this paper received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 770680 (RESPECT)"

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