Open Access BASE2015



В статье рассматриваются основные характеристики политического процесса в Монголии после ее отказа от социалистической модели развития. Существующие демократические институты не всегда отвечают политическим реалиям Монголии, а неформальные практики борьбы за власть (непотизм, политизация государственно-административного аппарата, электоральная коррупция и др.) доминируют в политическом процессе. Это приводит к снижению эффективности государственного управления и тормозит социально-экономическое развитие страны. ; The paper is devoted to the study of the main features of the political process in post-socialist Mongolia. Despite the formal democratic institutions there are some controversial and informal practices within Mongolia's political process. One of them is an ineffective check and balances system that creates a weak government. Another one is a bunch of self-interested politicians and business factions that dominates in a domestic politics. The third feature is an absence of government's ability to make the long-term policy because it has been weakened by the politicization of public service. As a result, key policy-making areas are understaffed with career technocrats while overall posts were filled with party-affiliated officials chasing benefit within the four-year election cycle. It leads to weakening of state institutions, and inefficiency of state policy, including the social and economic problems.


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