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World Affairs Online

Open Access#42011

Governing Climate Change Adaptation in the EU and China: An Analysis of Formal Institutions


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Open Access#62020

Mitigation options and finance for transition to low-emissions dairy in Kenya


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World Affairs Online

Open Access#82017

Mesure, déclaration et vérification des émissions de GES de l'élevage par les pays en développement dans le cadre de la CCNUCC: pratiques actuelles et possibilités d'amélioration ; Measurement, reporting and verification of livestock GHG emissions by developing countries in the UNFCCC: current pract...


Open Access#92019

Methods and guidance to support MRV of livestock emissions: Methods for data collection, analysis and summary results from a pilot baseline survey for the Kenya dairy NAMA


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Article(electronic)#12July 27, 2012

Climate Change Adaptation Among Tibetan Pastoralists: Challenges in Enhancing Local Adaptation Through Policy Support

In: Environmental management: an international journal for decision makers, scientists, and environmental auditors, Volume 50, Issue 4, p. 607-621

ISSN: 1432-1009

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Open Access#132021

Unlocking crediting opportunities in climate-smart agriculture


Open Access#142020

The Livestock Sub-sector in Kenya's NDC: A scoping of gaps and priorities



Wagging the dragon's tail: emerging practices in participatory poverty reduction in China

In: Participatory Learning and Action, 62

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World Affairs Online