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Open Access#12018

Method of selection of rational ways of tasks performance by brigade tactical groups in stabilization activities on the basis of game theory ; Методика вибору раціональних способів виконання завдань підрозділами бригадної тактичної групи у стабілізаційних діях на основі теорії ігор ; Методика выбора...


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Article(electronic)#6January 5, 2023

Development of the Adolescents' Communicative Culture in the Context of Digitalization of Additional Education

In: Emerging science journal, Volume 6, p. 264-279

ISSN: 2610-9182

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Article(electronic)#7December 1, 2023

Private Health Insurance in the Post-Pandemic Era: Spatial Econometric Market Development Analysis

In: Emerging science journal, Volume 7, Issue 6, p. 2080-2096

ISSN: 2610-9182

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Article(electronic)#8June 6, 2022

Empirical Evaluation of Educational Service Quality in the Current Higher Education System

In: Emerging science journal, Volume 6, p. 55-77

ISSN: 2610-9182

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