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Article(electronic)#16January 31, 2007

Using Learning Style Instruments to Enhance Student Learning

In: Decision sciences journal of innovative education, Volume 5, Issue 1, p. 1-19

ISSN: 1540-4595

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Article(electronic)#20December 5, 2023

Fairness, profits and social welfare: the implications of pay-what-you-want in online food delivery

In: Asia Pacific journal of marketing and logistics, Volume 36, Issue 5, p. 1296-1314

ISSN: 1758-4248

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Article(electronic)#25April 10, 2017

E-fulfillment dimensions and its influence on customers in e-tailing: a critical review

In: Asia Pacific journal of marketing and logistics, Volume 29, Issue 2, p. 347-369

ISSN: 1758-4248

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Article(electronic)#29May 18, 2021

MRI Analysis Of the Water Content Change In the Brain During Acute Ethanol Consumption Via Quantitative Water Mapping

In: Alcohol and alcoholism: the international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism (MCA) and the journal of the European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ESBRA), Volume 57, Issue 4, p. 429-436

ISSN: 1464-3502

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Open Access#302019

Converse magnetoelectric effects in composites of liquid phase epitaxy grown nickel zinc ferrite films and lead zirconate titanate: Studies on the influence of ferrite film parameters ; Physical Review Materials